Part 2 of chapter 2

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3rd person pov

Once their bags were packed and goodbyes were said to family friends the Fenton family were on there way to the airport. With Jacks crazy driving it didn't take long for then to reach the airport. They all walked over to where Vlads jet would be and climbed aboard. Throughout the flight they talked about how their lives will be in America. It was decided that Jazz and Danny would fight ghost because their parents were not fit to do it due to their age. When the discussion was over they moved to their own little space. Danny was sitting in the corner by the dining table thinking of the gear he was going to need for hunting, Jazz was reading a book laying on the couch , Vlad was doing work opposite of where Danny was and Jack and Maddie were sitting opposite each other, next to the table.

 Danny was sitting in the corner by the dining table thinking of the gear he was going to need for hunting, Jazz was reading a book laying on the couch , Vlad was doing work opposite of where Danny was and Jack and Maddie were sitting opposite eac...

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By the time they got to America Danny already had a design for both him and his sister, Jazz was in the middle of her second book, Vlad was reading the book Jazz finished and Jack and Maddie had 4 different designs on new tech.

After getting their stuff Vlad lead the Fenton family into a shiny black limo. "Is everything new and shiny with you?"asked Maddie.

"Madeline, I'm rich... What's the point of having money if I can't spend it on useless and boring stuff."

"Donate to charities?"replied Jazz

"Already done, little flower!" jazz said leading us into the limo.

When the finally got to their destination the Fenton family was surprised to see that it was not a mansion but a beautiful white double story.

They walked into the house and saw the modern yet unique Design

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They walked into the house and saw the modern yet unique Design. "Well I will be going now so make yourselves comfortable. You each have your own bedrooms with eńsuites so don't fight over who is going first, Daniel and Jasmin. You have a lab and training grounds in the basement and please don't cook Madeline leave it to Daniel. Also Daniel, Jasmine you both have a new car so enjoy! Now thank you and good bye I have work to do.". With that he left before anything else can be said.

Once Vlad was gone they all rushed to find their rooms which was easy to do with the pieces of paper with their names on attached to the door. When they entered their rooms only one thing went through their minds 'Thank you Vlad!'. Each of their rooms matched their personality and their likes. Jazz had a room that looked like a library, Danny had an astrological theme with a telescope in a corner next to a window and Jack and Maddie had a simple room.

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