Speak Out!

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Guess I'm paying the price if I don't write my pain out I cry it all out

I wanna fucking be happy dance my heart out and laugh

Yet I'm shackled to the past and all the pain

 People still lash out and put me down some walk right by and don't even lend a helping hand

I let the tears flow down my cheek and my eyes glisten a battle is being fought to keep the tears inside and let the smile speak through my eyes

I dance as my heart is having an anxiety attack and my lungs fail to keep up with the rushing of air coming in and out like my fleeting thoughts No one cares anymore for everybody is used to the new trend of all the kids being depressed

The adults ask us why we act out but take a look around its no wonder why we scream and shout but when we are all crying the most important voices get muffled out, the ones who are actually a trigger away from death and then when society finds out it's just added to another suicided death rate all these numbers adding up what's a price of a lost soul to society?

When will adults realize the pain we hold is something to take seriously

It's not a coward way out it's that life has gotten so bad we see no other dancing light of hope but the one of heaven & angels

Our hearts bleed and we become numb to the kid crying every day at school or the kid who gets bullied and the teachers don't step in no one speaks to help out a soul in need and it kills me... This world I live in kills me, where is the kindness and compassion and love? 

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