Wish List

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My heart hurts...

                                       as it thumps and bumps inside my chest 

I wish my heart didn't hurt as it rose as a lump in my throat 

Oh, so many wishes ...

                                        so few come true 

Aww sorry love I wish I was there to mend your aching heart 

See wish...

                    I wish this... I wish that...

                                                   but when will all my wishes come true?

Perhaps wishes only come true if you have the power to make it happen 

But I don't for my wishes aren't reasonably or doable and maybe if they were they would come true

Tho who knows for they say wishes are powerful and magical things yet if all you do is wish are you really in control of your life or are you just letting yourself be a doormat for everyone to walk over and take advantage of you?

So as my heart aches and my mind chews over these thoughts

 My soul wishes so badly that it could be free of all these thoughts that tumble and rumble inside my head...

... let them all just crumble away 

For my body screams all these wishes to come true but no one acts upon any of them yet if I could at least make one true...

I'd wish I would bleed till my heart is still and wish no more for this will be my wish list.

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