Soul Bound

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   Each soul is a storybook  some new some old and wise
Every passing hour day and night our souls share a page with other books throughout the world...Some times a soul might even share a few chapters with the other book. Some are even luckier, which are the ones who have their stories intertwined in a world of there own. 
   Filled with each other's words written delicately and beautifully etched into a lifetime of chapters spent together with this other soul. Together they write their story together as one unit and as many chapters go by together they might even decide to bring a new soul to life.
  To help write and guide the first precious chapters, so when their book does go up in flames they live on inside of their child's storybook.  Never to be forgotten in their families storybook. This book is called Soul Boud which houses all of the soul's storybooks & lays on the very tree that gave each book paper, and each soul the ink to write their daily lives out till the soul itself runs dry & has no more ink to write one more chapter...

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