The Battle Within &Out

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I wanna scream & cry out and shout it all out.

But showing signs of emotion is a weakness

to all who look's out.

these days they seem to think

to turn a blind eye is a war cry of strength that can deprive her words of their poison.

She's a monster best left undisturbed, all those hateful things that she spews off her lips just aids her missions...

She speeds to seek out and pretend to look out for others as she attaches her clutches on her victims...

Fuck don't even bother trying to get the last drop of attention, she's a monster who you dare not to crisscross in her paths for she will stop you in your tracks.

For it only leads to end up in her deadly webs full of lies and dangerous truths make a mistake and trip up she will be right by your side but be careful not to slip up or she will cut you up.

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