What Is...?

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What is it that justifies that your living? How do you know when you're alive? How do you know when you have stopped living? What is it when you are not only happy at times but you feel like you are unbearably sad & lonely when in fact you're in a room full of people who claim that they care about you?  

What is life?

Life is to be happy and free to be you as long as you are bringing zero harm to others or yourself by your actions.

What is it to be living?

To be living is to make the most out of life. To make the most out of the worst & the best in life & everything in between. To not be trapped by your past or to feel trapped or for family members to make you feel that you are trapped or actually entrap you.

What is your life?

Your life is what you make it be. For all your small and big actions, your achievements & failed attempts to add up to make your life what it is, as it is in front of you today. It's the reason you are this person.

What is my life?

My life is what fate made it be. Until I became of age to make my life what it is today. I may not know what tomorrow holds for me, but I do know today's actions & my past actions affect my future & has made me who I am today.

What is it that differs in my life & yours?

There are many ways this question could be answered. However, No one should answer such a question or to compare. For everyone's life is different & or the same in ways. Embrace others when you see pain, don't compare or judge others because of the pain they hold. Love and sympathies with them.

What is our life?

My life is yours & yours is mine. Together we make the most out of the worst & best times in our life. We make decisions together that are set into motion & affects our future. to embrace each other, even when we are both in pain.

What is it to be alive?

To be alive, one is to have made something out of there life & enjoy life. To be alive is to have the freedom to be yourself as long as no one is being harmed or yourself is being harmed.

What is it to not to be alive?

To not be alive, is to not have the freedom to be yourself. To be harmed & have not made the most of your life. To be breathing, one breath at a time & not be happy or sad. To not feel anything but the sense that your past actions & the actions you are making entraps you. To feel like the only way out is to turn the lights out and close your eyes as you take your last breath. So ask me again, What Is...?

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