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There was once a boy dressed in white midnight light. His skin was made out of shadows. Everyone knew him as Ashen though his eyes were an icy blue and he had raven black hair. He was charming and smart but yet there was something out ordinance and no one could quite put a finger on it. Ashen smirked for he knew ..he knew he wasn't human for if you run your fingers across his back you could feel where his wings once laid across his back. If you perhaps knew this you may ask what happened but no one does so he is the only one holds the truth. He has a sister but the days are dark they have so much hope and are full of joyful light. Though the Days end up flying by until he loses track of time. "Oh, my" the little sister whispers to herself "oh how I love the nighttime when the moon comes out from a long slumber." But what the little tyke was not taught by her older brother Ashen was that thy darkest creatures prowl thy forest at night. Thy day become nothing more than ash, and the beast mocks her, "you can't survive for even one lousy day without that pathetic phone or with your lovely heartbroken family, so what makes you think that the world isn't so damn cruel and oh so harsh even for a living midnight creature like you to breath" growls the beast. The beast which whom watches over the creatures that come out to play. To hunt and howl their hearts of desire to the full moon under the starry night. Though the darkest of thy creatures look up too thy beast are so mighty strong all in their coats of black midnight shadows. The beast snickers at the little tyke, as for the beast thinks she's a fool as it watches her screaming at the top of her lungs, but no sound .... It's silent so quiet. That you can hear the music in the howling wind.

The End

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