Memories engraved inside her (*Under Construction*)

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Intro: Once in a city tucked on the outskirts of the marshy Everglades, was a family that wasn't your typical family lifestyle. Yet the girl was thrilled to have a safe place to call home and two moms and a baby sister was the most amazing gift ever... She intended to succeed in everything she got a chance to do, and she did just that making everyone proud...till one day she was misled onto the wrong path...she should have known.

She saw all the red flags yet she was in a hypnotic lost and confused she wanted to get away but something inside her wouldn't run. No one gave her a chance to sort out what happened. Bombarded with accusations and accusative questions her mind couldn't wrap around what happened. It was so empty with only one thought. Left unspoken on her lips were three little words..." I wanna jump", she thought but didn't dare utter into the open air.

If you only understood the story from my eyes and mind. You'd be crying almost begging for forgiveness forever thinking what you thought. Your eyes have not seen the truth from my memories, but you have heard the sweet sickly melody of lies. So, will you please plug your ears and hear me out? Because I'm tired of trying to sort things out...... I'm tired of your questions, that I don't know how to answer, but you need to hear me out & know the truth....that's if I can even put together what happened.

So, I ask again ...Will you listen to the truth from my perspective? Or do you want me to keep agreeing with everything you are saying? Only letting little confused peace of information out. Which only leads to the jumping of conclusions, sometimes you're right. I've agreed to so many stories that the truths are muddled. Cutting through all the background noise is a voice begging to move on from that one bad and doom full day. The voices scream and fade to a whisper begging to let me move on.

But it seems that her parents have another idea in mind, shall I say they have many opinions on how to fix me. I guess I'm in need of being fixed and honestly, I don't blame them, I know I'm broken. The real question is who will watch me crumble and who shall put me back together? I know it won't be my parents they can't fix me, it won't be my best friend or any of my friends at all.

As I stand there I watch as I lose friends too, I won't stop them as they walk away and some walk away with hearts that are hurting because of me. I silently watch my boyfriend cry and scream as he tries everything to put me back together, but as I said he isn't the one that will save me. It has to be me that saves my own self.

To be continued...

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