Unholy Sounds (Part 2)

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I wanna carve my heart out
and let it burn with the embers of my soul
that dance in the belly of hell
cut out my heart and feed it to the dogs
they snap and snarl at every lie

No one should love me
I'm a monster in disguise 
I snicker and squeal in delight at the sight of my pain
slice and dice my beating heart
for I'm a monster that hides behind your loved ones face

I play my twisted sorrows like a shrieking violin
plucking at the strings of other peoples minds
till each string snaps and my violin cracks
underneath the pressure of my hideous stare

I wreak havoc and chaos upon so many souls
with the face of delight, I eat up their fright
And tare dreams apart then I recreate the perfect nightmare
So it can play across everyone's mind until they sleepwalk straight into my dreadful trap.

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