"You don't deserve to be here"

Start from the beginning

I look over to my left and wander my eyes to see a man in an officer uniform, scrolling through his phone.  He looked very young, looked to be my age or near it if I'm honest.

I slowly walk over already feeling intimidated.  From afar this guy was very good looking, but I haven't gotten a closer look yet.

Like you have a chance anyways.

Shut up.

I finally get up to him, and he was still looking down at his phone.  He hadn't realized I was stand there.

"Hi."  That was the only word I could muster up to say?  God Maya at least tell the guy your name too.

"Well hello Ms. Rivera."  Well I guess he already knew, at least my last name.  He looks down at his phone and smiles.  He looks up towards me and his smile just gets bigger.

Well he's happy to be at his job isn't he?  Working with psychos, living the dream.

Shut UP.

"You can call me May."  I hold out my hand to shake his.  Why is this guy so intimidating to me?  Maybe I just gotta get used to him?  I don't know I feel very intimidated

Or you find him very attractive?

I swear to GOD if you don-

"I apologize Ms. Rivera but I have to be professional around here so I do have to stick with last names, but your first and last name is very beautiful."  He grabbed my hand gently and shook it.  That felt nice.  I could feel a blush coming. Don't blush damnit.

Too late.

"So Ms. Rivera I do have to tell you, in order for me to escort you I do have to put handcuffs on you.  I apologize."

I shook my head.  "No-it's fine."  I gave him a slight smile to reassure him it was alright.

I lifted up both my wrists together in front of me and Robert began to put on the handcuffs I was required to wear.  He put them tight but not tight enough for discomfort. 

He guides us over to the elevator and pushes the up button.  The door opens revealing two guards on each corner of the elevator.

"Good evening gentlemen."  They both have a nod in response and said nothing further.

Not very chatty are we?

The entire elevator ride was silent leading up to the elevator dinging on the third floor.

When we got to our destination floor, the elevator doors slid open revealing a dark gloomy hallway with most light flickering. 

It was like this hallway was untouched or the facility never bothered to repair the lights, unlike the first floor where it was the most tidy and clean.

"Have a good night.  I'll see you later on my way out gentlemen."  Robert greeted the two guards as we left out of the elevator, of course, getting just nods in response.

"They don't talk very much do they?" 

Robert let out a slight laugh.  Wow he has such a nice laugh.  "You get used to it.  I honestly don't even know their names."


"Yeah they never talk long enough to get any personal information out of them, but that's their own issue I guess."  I look down and smile.

He was doing something to me and I haven't felt like this in a while.


That whole walk to seeing my room for the first time, as we walked into my room, we talked about life and mostly things about him.  There wasn't much to know about me, but there was absolutely so much to know about him.

I feel like I ruined absolutely everything.  We got along so well until feelings became involved, on my part.  I don't know how to get that connection back if we lost it.

We get to Mrs. Mackenzie's door and Robert gives it a slight knock.  After a couple seconds we hear a 'come in', and we walk in. 

Here she was, meeting her for the first time.  She looked tired and exhausted.  You could tell she didn't look like this often.

She was grieving.

"Well Ms. Rivera it's nice to meet you, I'm Miriam Mackenzie.  We have a lot to discuss."  She stands up from her chair and goes around her desk to stand face to face.  She held out her hand for me to shake and I raised both my cuffed hands and shook her one hand with my right hand.

She goes back around to the back of her desk and motions me to sit, while she also sits back down.  Robert stands behind me and listens in.

"So you're probably wondering why I've called you here?"  I nod in response.  I feel very intimidated for some reason, and I usually never feel this way.

But there was something about this person, this moment, that I couldn't wrap my head around.

"Well I've called you in to tell you about this experiment I've been working on for a long time now.  I've been working on it since my husband and I first opened this facility."


Here I was, hearing the history behind this experiment.  Hearing about how every Category except mine has gone through this experiment successfully.  Although, I hear everything this woman is telling me, I can't help but feel like there's something she isn't telling me.  I can't quite put my finger on it.

"So now that I've told you about the experiment and the idea of change we're trying to make.  I wanted to inform you of why you are one of the 10 we chose."  At this point I didn't know what to say.  It was a lot to take in, and I had never knew about this experiment.  Then again I only had been here a few months so how could I?

"I usually don't take in people who haven't been in here as long as others, but I read your file, and your case was very interesting to me." 

"Why is that?"  My story wasn't an uncommon one, the things leading up to it were but the situation really wasn't.

"I don't know.  I feel like in some way the court didn't give you a fair shot.  I do.  I want to give you a fair shot at freedom.  Because to me, you deserve it.  You don't deserve to be here."  She gave me a small smile and for some reason that gave me trust.  Something in my stomach was telling me not to do it, but her words convinced me otherwise.

"I'll do it."


hey guys this is the next chapter.  I hope you enjoy, give me some feedback in the comments & vote if you want more that helps me A LOT

I'll see you in the next one!


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