Chapter Sixteen

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A/N Last day of school tomorrow :). Enjoy the chappie!! Its reallt short though. Sorry.

~Sian xx

Ariana's p.o.v

"Hey sweetie. Its time to get up for school." Aunty Sandra said shaking me to wake me up but I was already awake.

"Please don't make me go to school." I said with a hoarse voice as I sat up in my bed.

"Sweetie, you have to go." She sighed.

"Please don't make me go." I repeated although my voice was more shaky this time.

"Are you ill?" She asked. I shook my head and tears were starting to well up in my eyes.

"Please don 't make me go." I whispered, scared that if I said it any louder the tears would spill over.

"Are you okay, Ariana?" She asked with a concerned look across her face. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Are you fighting with Maddie?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Is everything okay at school?" I nodded.

"Alright, you can stay home today. I have to go to work but will you be alright without me?" She asked rubbing my shoulder. I nodded again.

"I'll see you when I get home." She kissed me on mye forehead and walked out shutting the door behind her. Only after I heard the garage door shut and the engine start and pull away did I let the tears escape.


Maddie's p.o.v

"It's been three days and she hasn't replied to a single text I've sent her or answered her phone once. Im getting seriously worried."  

"There's gotta be some explanation." Harry reassured me but I had a knot in my stomach since she didn't show up on Tuesday.

"Maybe she's just sick."  Louis said hopefully but we both knew better than that. The last time she was away this long was when... 

"Yeah, Im sure that's what it is." Niall shot me a I think somethings up with her. Talk to you later look. I pulled out my phone and sent her another text.

I'm getting really worried, Ari. Please talk to me. Where are you?

-Maddie xo

I put my phone back into my pocket and returned to the conversation. When I realised they weren't talking about anything important I zoned back out again.


I was in English with Niall when I finally got a reply from her

Im fine.

That was it. No sign off at the end. Just 'Im fine.'  Something was definitely up.

Ari, what's up? You know you can tell me anything. I know you aren't fine. 

-Maddie xo

After ten minutes of no reply I figured she wasn't going to reply for a while. The knot that had been present in my stomach since Monday morning tightened. Why wouldn't she tell me what was wrong?? Why hasn't she been at school for three days?? Was it happening again??

"Maddie?" Niall asked.

"What's up?" 

"You don't think Ari..." He couldn't bring himself to say the rest but I knew exactly what he meant.

"I have no idea Niall." My voice cracked. 

"It's just I've had this feeling since yesterday afternoon that something was wrong. It was the same feeling I got last time." 

"Me too." I gulped. It wasn't only me. What if she did it again and I had no idea. The bell rang for the end of school and we all walked out. I was so lost in my own thoughts that i wasn't even aware that Niall was trying to talk to me.

I decided to walk home and detour to Ari's house. If she wouldn't talk to me, I would go to her. The walk there was awful. All the thoughts rushing through my mind. When I got to her house I rang the doorbell. No on answered. I knocked. No one answered. I did this three time before giving up. Where was she?? She wasn't... Was she?? My phone started buzzing in my pocket. Unknown number. I ignored the call. I began my walk back home.

Halfway through my walk, my phone started buzzing again. Unknown number again. I tossed up whether I should answer it or not and decided to answer it. It was Ari's Aunt on the other end of the line. She explained what had happened with Ari. After she hung, i threw my phone in my bag and ran the rest of the way home, tears streaked down my face


Hey guys!!! Super short chapter, I know but hey, there's a cliffhanger. I'll upload sunday or monday me thinks. This chapter was just sorta a filler chapter so yeah. Comment, vote, fan. Whatever you wish. What'd ya think of the cliffie?? What do you reckon's happened with Ari?? Haha. Love you all

~Sian xx 

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