Chapter Three - Part Two

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Harry's p.o.v

"This party is amazing bro!" Someone, who I didn't know, said.

I was walking all over trying to find Ariana. I had walked the entire house inside and out three times. So far no sign of her or her friends. Maybe she isn't coming. I let out an exasperated sigh. The only reason i threw this party was to get close with her. Just as I was about to give up looking I decided to head out front and see if she was just a little bit late. As I stepped out the door a black BMW pulled up. Zayns Car. He got out, walked around the passenger side door and opened it and Maddie stepped out giggling. He walked to the backseat door and opened it. Who else did Zayn bring? Out stepped Ariana and wow... she looked stunning. She was wearing a short, light purple dress that head spaghetti straps with silver heels. In one hand she was holding a sequined clutch and in the other was her phone. She looked up from her phone, put it her clutch and walked up to Maddie and Zayn. They said something that i could quite hear cause of the distance between us. They all started walking up to where I was standing.

"Hey bro." Zayn walked up to me and we did our signature handshake.

"You've met Maddie and Ariana, yeah?"

"Sure have. Pleasure to see you ladies again," I said bowing gallantly and immediately felt stupid after. The girls giigled a bit then Ariana held out her hand.

"The pleasure is all ours and you can call me Ari." she said with a smile.

"Ari it is." I said adding a flirtatious wink.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go inside. I'm freezing." Shivered Maddie

"Oh um, I'm not sure if you'd mind but we invited Louis and Niall tonight." She explained adding an innocent smile. How could you say no to that?

"'Course it's fine. The more the merrier. After you ladies." I gestured to the door and the immediately followed.


Maddie's p.o.v

Woah. Harrys house is huge! He led us through the hallway, which was decorated with all different kinds of artwork that were so beautiful they would take anyones breath away. He led is out to a main lounge/ living area that had a grand piano in one corner, a fireplace on one wall and two lounges facing the fireplace. It was also littered with red plastic cups and teenagers. He kept walking, leading us out to an open area out the back. It opened out to a deck that had a bar and bar stools and in front of that was the biggest backyard i have ever seen which contained a gorgeous pool in the middle.

"So this is the main area in the house. The toilets are upstairs and so are the bedrooms. Erm, I think that's all guys. Now, you'll have to excuse me, there is a game of pool going on with my name written all over it. Cyas round." He winked and then left to go play pool We stood around for a few awkward moments.

"I'm gonna go find Niall and Louis. I've got my phone if you need me." That left the two of us. Just Zayn and me.

"I don't know if I told you this but you look really pretty tonight." He said smiling and i could feel that heat in my cheeks rising. Oh god, I hope I wasn't blushing too much.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I said adding a wink.

"Wanna get a drink?"

"Yep. Lead the way." Being the perfect gentleman he was, he held out his arm showing the way and as I started walking he closed it around my waist. I could get used to this.


Ariana's p.o.v

It took me 20 minutes but i finally found Louis and Niall. They were upstairs in the lounge room with a few other people I recognised from my classes. I saw Eleanor, Liam and Danielle among them. They seemed to be sitting in a circle around... a bottle??

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