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Kemiah's POV

Tae and I was sitting on the sand and admiring the blue sky with birds flying through.

His hands was on my waist while my head was resting in his chest. I smiled secretly.

"I hope this day will longer."he suddenly broke the silence in between.

"Yeah."I shortly answered.

He hummed in response then stood up. I confusedly look at him and he just smile.

"Let's go for a swim. Shall we?"he offered his hand.

Of course I grab it. "Gladly."

We run into the water and he splash me immediately. I groaned but splash him after.

We just splash each other and laugh together. After our hands were tired, we sat on the not so deep water and rest for a bit.

"That was fun right?"I asked.

"Yeah. I'm going on a swim after. Mind if you join me?"he offer.

I panicked. "A-ahm, no thanks. Y-you can swim without me. Just enjoy and I'll watch right here."

"Why? Come on. Please?"he begged with puppy eyes.

To be honest I don't know how to swim. I don't want him to know, but I don't want to disappoint him either..

Well I can't refuse to this cute puppy.

"I want to confess something."I awkwardly said.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Er... I... Ahm, IDONTKNOWHOWTO SWIM."I said as fast I could.

"You don't know how to swim?"

Did he still get what I mean?!


"Aww. My poor little kitty can't swim."he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Then I'm not going with you."I teased back.

His eyes softened. "I can teach you how. So come on."he smiled.

That smile sometimes make me weak, but always boost my energy.

In short, he's my weakness.

"Kemiah? Hey kitty, is something wrong?"

I gasped. "Nothing."

"Okay. Let's go."he offered his hand.

I grab his hand then stand up. We went into a deeper water and he position.

"I'll guide you by your tummy. Hopped on."

I position my self and rested my tummy in his hand. It's kinda ticklish but I hold it.

"Wouldn't it be awkward? I look like a five year old don't know how to swim."I shyly said.

"Nope. Besides, no one here's yet. The ocean is ours."

I nodded and started to move my feet up and down then my arms swaying.

After an hour of training, we stop for a bit and rest.

"That was fast. You learn easily."

"Of course. I'm a fast learner."I proudly said.

"Okay. For the next step. I'll watch you swim by your self."

I gulped. "O-okay."

"Is something the matter?"he asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing. Just don't mind me."

"If you say so."he said sounding not convinced.

"I'll be fine. Watch and learn."

I swim forward to a deeper surface and I gulped again. Pray for me.

Then I move my feet started to paddle and sway my arms open and closed.

I don't know where am I but I continued to swim.

I stop for a bit to see where am I. And I panicked when I was far to Taehyung.

Then I started to panicked.

I swim and swim as fast as I can then I felt my feet numb. And it hurts so bad, I feel I'm going to sunk in a minute.

And I sunk deep down the water and until I can't hold my breath anymore.

Everything went black.

Kim Taehyung's POV

I was worried when Kemiah went far. And my guts saying something is wrong.

I swim a little bit to see if Kemiah is doing good. But I saw no one.

I started to panicked. I swim and swim forward where Kemiah went but I saw no one.

I held my breath and swim down the water and I saw her sinking down and unconscious.

I swim as down as fast as I can and an inch our hand is about to held. And I swim a little more further then grab her hand.

I kiss her to her lips to give her air. Minutes later, I saw her eyes opening. I felt relief.

Our lips are still together. And she kissed back.

I pulled out remember we are still down water. I swim up while holding her.

Once we reach the top. I heard she cough and out of air.

"Are you okay? You could just told me you weren't ready."I worriedly said.

"But I don't want to disappoint you."she looked down.

"You never disappoint me. Please tell me next time okay?"she nodded.

"Let's get out of here. So you could rest."I grab her hand and we swim back to the island.

To be continued..


I'm sorry y'all for not updating. I wish this would help huhu. Btw, tnx for reading!

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