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Jeon Jungkook's POV

We sat in silence but understanding each other's presence. I hummed a song to make her a little bit better. I felt sad seeing her cry, who made her this? Don't tell me?

I sudden figure appeard in front of us. I lifted my head and shocked at the sight in front of me. Kim Taehyung.

"What are you doing here?" I asked then Kemiah pulled out from me. With puff and red eyes.

"Should I the one who's gonna ask that? What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. To my girlfriend?" He asked and I was shocked, jungshook to be exact.

"G-girlfriend?" I asked, my voice crack in shocked. So they were a couple now? Why?

"Yes, and she's mine." After he said that, he grab her wrist, she whined in pain and pulled her towards him. I didn't move and say a word. Still processing what he just said.

"Let. Me. Go." She said, and Taehyung's eyes grew big. I was taken a back at her attitude. I mean why she's angry to her boyfriend?

"Please Kemiah-" before he could finish his sentence, she stop her and pulled her wrist back.

"Just please leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for you two." She said and walk away, did he the one who made her sad? Cry?

How dare he was, I was going to kill him if he hurt her. Kim Fucking Taehyung.

I glared at him, he just stared at me, emotionless. I walk towards him and grab him by his collar.

"Remember this Taehyung. I respected you,but if I knew you hurt her. I will fucking kill you. Mark my words." I said and he just smirked.

"You don't know anything. Mind your own business. Besides, she's nothing to you." I became silent what he said. He smirked again.

"I don't care. I will make her mine, Taehyung. She'll be mine." I smirked at him and walk passed by.

Kim Taehyung's POV

I was running looking for her, she was nowhere to be seen. I was getting worried, what I have done.

I run my hand in my hair, frustrated. I was worried too what Jungkook said. No, he can't get her from me. Not her.

I walk inside the building and went to the elevator. Once it is open, I saw her with her stuff in her hand,Puffy and red eyes. I made her like this.

She froze inside, not knowing what to do. She want to escape, she want to be away a little to him. She didn't want to see his face. Not by a chance.

She was sensitive with her feeling, she was fragile. And easy to be sad, cry, broke.

She walk out and I ran onto her, she was trying to escape but I didn't let her go. I grab her wrist tightly and she whined in pain. Sorry babe, I have eto do this, settle things better.

We went to a dark corner and pinned her in the wall. I heard her gulped and smirked at her. She was showing fear, sad, and angry face. Yet my face softened at that.

"Kemiah, please listen to me first." I said and she look away, I lifted her chin with my free hand and make her look at me. She was sad at this moment.

"I already heard what she said. And I don't want to hear it again. Please." She begged and I cupped her cheeks.

I sighed. "Kemiah, please listen to me first, okay?" I asked her, she hesitately nod her head. I smiled sadly. "What you heard from her was all a lie. She's not my girlfriend, we're over Kemiah. You misunderstood what you heard. I wanted to vomit of what she said before. I dont like her anymore, nor I don't love her. I'm sorry." I said and her eyes were shining, not sad anymore.

"Really?" She asked, I nodded my head and continue to cupped her cheeks. She smiled.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, but please don't do it again. And who is she?" She asked. My smiled faded away.

"She's, Jiwoo. My ex." I didn't continued further. Knowing it will hurt her more.

"Oh," was all she said. Again, she was sad. That's why I don't want it to continue.

"But I don't love her, Kemiah. Believe me, you're my love now." I said and smiling. She smiled back.

"I'm sorry, and I forgive you." She said and I sighed in relief, and happy. I was still cupping her cheeks and I want to kiss her.

"Thank you." I said and I lean forward and kissed her. Passionately and sweet. I missed her already. I missed her kissing.

Kemiah's POV

He leaned forward, and I felt a warm lips on mine. At first I was shocked, but I gave in. I kissed him back. I missed kissing him, the kiss was getting deeper and I was out of breath. He pulled out, both of us are panting. Lack of breath, but I enjoy it.

"It's getting dark Taehyung. We should head home." I said and started to walk away, but he grab my waist. Tighlty.

Then he hugged me. "Should we stay like this for a minute?" He asked, I smiled and nodded my head.

Feeling the warm hug in me, I was enjoying it. I loved his hug, I missed everything from him.

He pulled out and held my hand, entertwined it in mine. We happily walk to the parking lot and hopped in the car.

While the car was still riding, I felt my eyes are going to closed. I was exhausted from crying. I closed my eyes and dozed to Dreamland.

Minutes later..

I heard a voice calling me, I slowly open eyes as the blurred vision is getting clear. I realized that we're home, I sat comfortablely.

"Sorry to disturb you, but we're here." I nodded my head, not had enough energy to answer back.

"Get some lots of sleep, I'm sorry again, for what happened this morning." He said but I just smiled at him.

"Sorry couldn't answer much, I was exhausted from crying.." I said and he hugged me once again. I felt safe through his warm hug.

"Please don't cry again, I don't want seeing you like that." He said and I pulled immediately.

"But you made me like this!" I said whilst in laugher. He pouted.

"That's why I'm sorry, right?" I laugh at his cuteness, he smiled widey. Showing his boxy smiled. How cute.

"I was just joking, I already forgive you." I said and I yawn.

"You should go inside." I nodded my head. I quickly look back seeing him pout.

"What?" I asked.

"Where's my goodnight kiss?" He asked and I giggled. I walk towards him and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. He smiled.

"Well, that gave me energy. Go now. I know you're sleepy. Thanks for today." He said and i smiled nodding my head.

"I love you."

To be continued..


Another updated! Hope you like it!
I know it was a bit cheesy for you guys so just bear with it. I like it though. Hehe

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PERFECT BOSS || Kim Taehyung || (ON-GOING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz