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Kim Taehyung's POV

We walk outside the building and went to the parking lot to get my car. We skip work today as I promised her.

We happily hopped inside and I was so happy I don't know why. Or is it because I'm just excited?

I started the engine and drove. While driving, we jam some songs and laughing like crazy.

I hope this day will longer.

She doesn't have any idea where we going. At first, I planned to kidnapped her but I think it will scare her.

So I decided not to.

We are going on a vacation to Jeju island in a week. To make memories with her.

I stop my car then we step out and walk towards the boats. A private one.

"Uhm Tae? Where are you taking me? Mom would be worried."she questioned.

"I already told her don't worry. Know exactly where are we going?"I asked a bit teased.

"No? Well I think on an island."

"You guess it right. We are going to Jeju and staying there for a week."

"A WEEK?!"she freaked out.

"Yup."I answered shortly.

"Are you crazy? What about work?"

"They can handle it without me."I proudly say.

She facepalmed and I chuckled. We hopped in the boats and we doze off.

Silence filled inside the boat and just admiring the view. It's sunny but it's perfect.

And then she asked. "Tae?" I turned my head signing her to continue.

"What about my clothes? I didn't bring anything."

"We had it already on the hotel. Don't worry."I said while holding my laugher.

She sighed in relief.

We kept silence and just admire the view. And right from afar, I can already see the island.

And then our eyes met a beautiful island. There are hotels, a camp site, and tables and chairs on the entrance.


"Why did you bring me here?"she asked. And I got nervous. She didn't like it?

"Don't like it? We will go somewhere else if you want."

"What? No. I mean why did you bring me here? Is this what you're saying?".

"Well yeah."I said while crunching the back of my neck.

I felt arms in my hand. "Thank you Tae, for bringing me here."

I smiled. "For you, I'll do anything. I love you."

"I love you too."she said and I leaned forward to capture her lips.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes then she pulled out, catching her breath.

"Let's go?"I asked and she nodded.

We walk and scan the place. Then we went to our rooms. Her room was beside mine.

"You can take a rest and tomorrow we are going somewhere. So better get lots of rest, to gain energy."I winked.

"Yes. My Perfect Boss."she said then smiled. I smiled back.

"See you tomorrow. Kitty."I said that made her blushed.


"But before that," I walked closer to her leaned in, then captured her lips.

She kissed back and our lips is on sync. Our breath were lack of air but still going on. I secretly smiled.

I pulled out and she catch her breath. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"That was sweet. You should rest now, and let's just continued tomorrow."I grin.

She smacked my arm. "Taehyung!"

I laughed. "What? I'm not kidding, kitty. Be ready tomorrow."

She just glared and I laughed.

"Bye kitty. Have a sweet dream of me. I love you."I said then gave a quick peck on her lips.

Damn, I want those right now.

"Cheesy like before. Goodnight too playboy. I love you too."

"I'm not a playboy."I seriously said.

She just laughed. Does she make fun of me?

"Aish this kitty. Go inside."she nodded and wait for her to come in.

I smiled and walk to my room. As get my card and slide it. But before I got inside, someone spoke behind.

"Long time no see. TaeTae oppa."


Ok, a very very short update. I'm sorry. Please forgive for not updating real quick and a lot. Well guys, WE REACHED 500 READS?! R U KIDDING ME?! (Well of coz not).
I'm so so thankful to u guys/to my fellow Rise. We are near in 1k reads! I can't believe it. At first I didn't believe I could reach 100 reads but here am I. So tnx everyone!<3



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