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[A/N: another short updated! There is a sexual content in this chapter, but it's a minor one. So pls be inform! Hope u enjoy. Love lots.

Kemiah's POV

Today was Tae's last day here, and I'm so sad knowing I wouldn't see him in a month. And here I am, spending my left time with him, in my room.

We're sat on my bed, while I'm hugging him. I snuggled through his neck and I smelled his expensive Gucci perfume. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" He suddenly asked, we didn't bothered to say anything while ago, we just hugged each other.

"Nothing." I said while smelling him.

"Or do you like my perfume? Or the smell of me? Hm?" He teased and I slap his hard chest. He chuckled.

"Well, I think it's both." I said and pulled from him. And his pale chocolate eyes met my chocolate eyes as well.

We stared at each other for a minute and I sadly smile. He cupped my cheek and rub it.

"Please don't be sad, I will come back. I promise. Or I can refuse if you want?" He asked and I pulled myself off him.

"No, it's fine. It's a family matter, I don't have the guts for you to refuse. As you said, you'll come back." After I said that, I cupped his cheek, then rub it.

He gave me quick peck on my lips then stood up. I confusedly followed behind, he turned around and grab my hand. Entertwined with his.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere." He answered shortly. And I just nodded, a bit confused, but I didn't entertained it so I just followed.

We went outside and bid goodbye to my mom and we hopped in his car. Silence kept in the car as we didn't spoke a word. He continued to drive seriously and I'm getting nervous.

And we are near to a seashore, at first, I didn't know where to go. But I just found out that he brought me here. It's already 4pm.

We got out the car and he held my hand once again, then we walk towards the sea, we took off our shoe and leave it near the car, and our feet's where dirty because of the sand, but I didn't care.

We sat near the sea, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and the sun is setting down the sea and it was the most romantic thing in my whole life he did.

"Wow." I was amazed as the sun was setting, our hands was still lock while looking at the view. He took one of it and kissed it.

"The view was beautiful as you are, kitten." He complimented and smiled.

"Cheesy." I teased at him then giggled.

"But you like it. Do you?" He said, I nodded.

The sun was set, and the clouds where getting dark, the stars where started to show, and the wind is getting cold. But the view didn't fail us to be mesmerized. I closed my eyes, I was getting teared up, I sighed.

Then, I felt a soft, warm arms cupped my cheek, then wiped a tear drown down my cheek. I didn't know a single tear drop on my cheek. Then i sob.

"Shh," he cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tear, I hate crying, why did I cry in this romantic scene? I'm such a cry baby.

"I'm scared, Tae. What if you leave me? What if you won't come back? What if you find a girl? What if you'll like another girl? What if you don't love me anymore-" I was stop when Taehyung smash his lips on mine.

And I kissed him back. My arms where in his neck, wrapped around it and our lips where moving in sync. Then his hands where in my waist. As the kissed was getting deep, his tongue went through inside my mouth and I moaned inside.

He bit my button lip and continued to moaned inside while he kissed me. My body heat up when his hands went through inside my shorts.And i was about to wet down.

I bit my lip as he kiss down to my neck, bitting it, sucking and it turns to be hickey. And he kiss down near my breast, but I pulled out.

"Why kitten?" He asked and he leaned forward.

"Taehyung! Not here, someone might see us." I said and he chuckled.

"Should we do it at my apartment then?" He asked a bit teased. I slap his arm.

"You pervert." I said the he laugh out loud and I glared at him.

"Not funny." I rolled my eyes and look away.

"Hey." He called.

And I ignored him, should I prank him? What a stupid thought I have. I bit my buttom lip to hold my laughter.

"Hey kitty, are you mad? I'm sorry okay? Please forgive me, if you don't want to, I won't force you. It's my last day today, so please forgive me." He worriedly said and I laugh out loud.

"Not funny, I was f*cking serious here." He said and I stop from, laughing. Then I leaned forward him, giving him a quick peck. He blushed.

"Aww, my Taetae is blushing, how cute." I chuckled and he leaned forward, for more.

"Hep," I put a finger in his lips. "I can give you what you want tomorrow. Promise."

"Promise?" He asked and I lend my pinky finger and I grab his. And we make a pinky promise.


To be continued..


Hello there my dear Rise, hope you like this update, or not. Hehe

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