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Kemiah's POV

It was past twelve but I'm still awake, I've been thinking lately about him in this past hour. Thinking how am I going to apologized.

When I reached inside my room, I quickly check my messages. And I was right, he messaged me. My eyes grew wide, I should check it when he messaged it. Ugh.

Should I apologized? Should I the one to make move? I know it's my fault but was it just a simple thing to be jealous of?

I yawned and felt sleepy, I shouldn't be thinking this at late midnight. Wish me luck.

Kim Taehyung's POV

I'm in my dorm today, i didn't come to work because I'm still mad. That I'm not supposed to be.

I know it's just a friendly hug. But why do I get jealous easily? But she promised me.

She will hugged and kissed me when I came back.

I'm frustrated thinking of it, I stood up and take a shower. It was nine in the morning and I decided to go to work.

I tied my tie and hopped in my car. And drove to my company.

Minutes later, I arrived safely then I park it near, And hopped out, I went inside and as usual they greeted me. I just smiled in response.

I gulped when I reached in front of the sliding door. I reached for the handle and slide it.

I facepalm when I saw her, I coldly walk towards my office door and Creek it open. I sighed.

I sat on my chair then took my pen and started to work. A long hour past by, it was lunch break. Great, now what?

I wish she would buy me food too, and eat together. I just found out when I am gone they eat together, he always drops her home.

My one and only brother, jin.

I know I shouldn't be jealous of him, but it was too much. I warned her that no one can be near her, especially guys.

But I didn't know that my one and only brother can be near her. Without my permission.

Am I selfish.

Yes, I am. I will be selfish when it comes to my girlfriend. Kemiah.

I just came back to reality when my stomach grumbled. And I realized that she didn't came here, to buy me food and eat together.


I lifelessly stood up and walk towards the door. I step out and walk straightly, without giving a glance to her.

But wait,

She wasn't here, where is she?

I walk out and make my way to the elevator. It opens and I saw her, with another guy. But it wasn't Jin, it was Jungkook.

I was frozen at my spot, currently shock. That's why she didn't came to my office. She was with another GUY.

I went inside and didn't glance at her after. GO WITH YOUR JUNGKOOK YOU-


When i arrived down i Walk straightly and bought food. Then i went to the elevator and step inside.

Then i asked myself.

Why is she with him? It was supposed to be me. I guess our pride ate us.


I went straightly to the point that i didn't gave i glance at her her again and went inside my office, then ate my food.

I was busy munching when someone called. And i was kind of nervous but i picked it up.

"Need anything?" I asked, i don't care if i don't have respect, besides I'm the owner.

"Prepared before the meeting, sir." I was shock and frozen to my spot because of that voice. Her voice.

"Ok." I shortly replied then finished my food.

After i got ready for the meeting, i went outside and met her gaze, her beautiful eyes met mine. But i look away quickly.

I just make an poker face because i didn't want to show her that I'm awkward.

We went inside the room and started the meeting.

And i didn't listen to it. My mind was blown away by thoughts.

And i didn't realized that they called me. "Mr. Kim? Are you with us?" I shookt my head clearing the thoughts in my mind then nodded at them.

"Of course, you may proceed." And they went to the topic, and i saw Kemiah wearing a poker face just like mine and i guess she wasn't listening.

I chuckled.

We went out of the room after two hours of meeting. And im so tired, maybe i should get back home, it's getting dark outside.

I went to my office and pick up my things. I went outside and saw her sleeping peacefully on her desk.

I went near her and moved a strand of her hair. She was so beautiful at this moment, i just stared at her.

Then suddenly, she open her eyes and met mine. Her chocolate sparkly eyes was shining so bright. We stared for an minute.

I quickly look away, my face was heating up because of embarrassment.

"Why are you still here?" She finally asked.

"Uhm, nothing. I was about to go home. Why are you still here, sleeping?" I asked back.

"I fall asleep after that meeting. It was boring to be honest." She said and i chuckled.

"C'mon, it's getting late. I should drop you home." I said and she nodded.

Then, i grab her hand.

She was shock but she held it tight. We went to the parking lot and hopped in the car and drove her home.

We step outside and i pay the back of my neck. I don't know what to say. Awkward moment.

"Uhm," i paused. "Look, I'm sorry i was mad at you. I'm just jealous because you promised me." I pout.

She smack my arm. "Silly, he was just comforting me, it was nothing to me."

"You're not mad?" She nodded. "I'm gonna make up to you, tomorrow."


I leaned forward and captured her lips. Oh how i miss this soft and kissable lips.

To be continued..

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