"So we just gonna avoid each other?" the voice spoke.

I paused for emphasis, rolling my neck slowly to look up at him nonchalantly and flicked my head to the side with so much attitude that I shocked myself. " Are you talking to me?"

He chuckled throwing his head back like this was all a joke to him and then focused back on me.

" Who else would I be saying that to?" he smirked evilly.

" You could be talking to Sara, I'm sure, you didn't say a name"

" Don't try and get smart with me! I just want to talk" he sat down in a seat next to mine. I wanted to argue back but I lost my energy.

" About what? " I said fiddling with the hem of my dress which laced my knees.

" About us, obviously. You can't deny that you have a growing issue with me " His head was close to my ear and he spoke with force.

" Issue? There is no issue." I scoffed moving away from him and focusing on the drink I nearly kicked over just by my feet.

" Can we just talk outside? Please ?" he reached to touch my shoulder and I shrugged him off quickly.

" Fine" I stood up without waiting for him and went out onto the garden patio. once I felt the cold air hit the skin on my face I felt a certain calmness I hadn't felt the whole time I'd been here. it was so hot in the room we were in and I hadn't moved out of fear of bumping into Tyrus and wanting to knock him out.

I was so over the situation with him by convincing myself that I would just cut him off and never speak to him again. and for a whole month, that's what I did but today seeing him just threw me off. I didn't think that he understood that him calling another girl his girlfriend after so many months of us being so intimate, even if it was a joke, was not ok. I didn't care if we weren't official, it was confusing what he was doing and I needed clarity. But when I tried to confront him about it he didn't wanna hear it, saying that I was 'tripping' and 'overthinking'. Well, I wasn't.

I walked my way over to the corner of the patio fencing and waited, hearing that he was only a few paces behind. I swivelled on my heels and encountered his close proximity.

" talk," I said bluntly

" I'm sorry, I didn't realise how much it affected you"

" But I told you multiple times" I stated, getting angrier.

"Well, I didn't perceive how much it hurt you at the time. And I'm sorry" he held out his hands to hold mine but I just stared at them and waited for him to drop them.

He gave me those low seductive eyes as he took numerous steps towards me. I knew that he was non verbally apologising again because he could see I was still reluctant.

" what can I do to make you trust me again?" He whispered near my neck. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't trust him at all.

"I want you to trust me so bad" he snaked an arm around my back and down to my ass. I slapped his hand away viciously making him understand that we were starting from square one.

"ooh you serious, ain't you?" He smirked.

"Yh I am, I won't be played by anyone again. I'm worth more than that"
He continued to smirk as I stared back at him, trying unsuccessfully to hold a firm face.

"oh so, you think I don't know that ?" He stated. He was looking me right in my eyes.

"Obviously not, if you thought it was ok to do what you did" I smiled sweetly at him as his expression changed. He didn't seem as smug.

"I apologise that I made you feel like I didn't know your worth but I need you to forgive so we can go back to being us" he paced a little bit on the spot before turning to me.
"I need you" he pleaded

"well I would only do that if we were actually something, not just talking"

"so what you want is a title ?" He flicked his head toward me.

"mhm," I nodded sharply. I straightened out my clothes to make myself look more serious.

"But you already know you are my girl" he shuffled towards me putting his hand on the wooden fence that bordered the patio.  I shifted away from what looked like an attempt to kiss me.

"your girl and girlfriend are 2 different things, clearly" I expressed smartly.

"How so ?" He questioned back whilst blocking me in with his other hand resting in the fence. I started to feel incredibly vulnerable with such an enclosed space. His presence was overwhelming and intimidating.

" because you've said I was your girl from the day we started talking. We are 6 months in now and I'm still your girl and not your girlfriend. and clearly, you like to call anyone your girl. " I huffed seeing how his face was so close to mine.

" But how do you know that you weren't my girlfriend from the very start? I don't need to change a label if there isn't anyone else that compares." He was close to my ear now

I sucked in the natural air sharply, feeling weak and defeated but I couldn't let him know that
" well maybe I'm a girl that needs to be directly told when we've moved deeper into a situation " I started moving back from him. He caught me by placing his arm around my back.

"I thought that id made it obvious," he smirked at me.

"no, you hadn't. Remember I'm not in your head" I huffed again.

"well I'm telling you now ain't I?" he stated.

"of course you're gonna tell me now- just tryna get on my good side" I looked out into the trees that seemed to be blowing furiously with only a little wind in the air.

"am I not there yet?" he leant forward into my face. I blushed feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I looked down at my feet and back up to him.

"umm no"

"well what will get me there"

"I'm not sure"

"well, I know since you've been mad I've craved your lips more than anything. and I know you've probably missed mine too"

"I have... a lot" I whispered. I couldn't hide that I did

" so how about we feed our cravings" he smirked and I nodded, pouting like a child. I reached up to place my arms around his head and he lowered it towards me. I felt this tingling sensation in my legs as he came closer and closer and I grew more nervous. The anticipation made my stomach turn inside out but when our lips finally touched it relaxed. His arms sat around my waist and it felt just like old times which I loved so much. I knew from when we met that there was something about when he kissed me that made me get butterflies every time. I just loved it so much. I stood up on my tiptoes and he brushed my bottom with his palm bringing me closer to him. I gasped in the kiss letting my mouth drop open for a moment. I breathed out and felt his tongue grazed again my bottom lip which made me smile at the feeling.

"I missed you so much" I panted when we pulled away. His hands stayed on my waist and his face close to mine.

" I missed you more" he smirked and pecked my lips again.

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