"What time exactly is your uncle suppose to be bringing your father?" Elijah asks as he enters the kitchen. He and Cami had arrived back in New Orleans two days ago, a few hours after Thor showed up. Rebekah told him what happened as I was with Davina, keeping her calm as she got a little angry at Klaus for the things he said and the way he's been treating her. Elijah was more disappointed about missing the chance to meet Thor, a god he loved hearing stories about as a child. He'll get to see him though when he brings Loki. "I don't know. He didn't say what time he'll be coming. They'll just show up" Davina replies "I'm not going to stay up all night, waiting for some god to show up" Klaus retorts "nobody is asking you to stay up. You can all go to sleep, I'll stay awake on my own and wait for my uncle to arrive with my father" Davina responds "you're not staying awake alone. We will all greet your uncle and father together" I say she smiles and nods. "Your father does magic right?" Klaus asks "yes, he's referred to as a sorcerer though. He's a master of sorcery actually, he taught me most of what I know" Davina replies "so he could kill Dahlia?" he asks "yes he could but he's not going too. My father isn't here to kill anyone, he's here because he's been exiled and he's serving a punishment. If he acts out in anyway, he'll be taken right back to Asgard and placed in the dungeons and the dungeons aren't a very nice place" Davina responds giving Klaus a warning glare before leaving the room and I follow after her. 

Davina heads up to our shared room and lies down on the bed. I walk over and crawl onto the bed. Pulling her to me, wrapping my arms around her making her sigh in content. "Everything will be alright" I murmur knowing she's worried about everything "I know. I just needed to hear that" she replies as she places her head on my chest. I rub up and down her back, lulling her into a peaceful sleep which she really needs since she hasn't gotten much sleep these last few days. 




2 hours later...3 pm

Davina's pov

I quickly get dressed after getting out the shower and drying my hair and body. I get dressed into a white dress top, black leggings and black ankle boots. I head downstairs and find Kol with his siblings in the living room. My uncle has yet to arrive with my father and everyone in the compound is feeling a little anxious. "Hey" I say as I enter the room "hey darling, you look lovely" Kol greets giving me a kiss as I sit next to him. "Thank you" I respond "when will your uncle be getting here with your father? This is taking forever" Klaus complains "I told you I don't know. They will get here when they get here so shut up" I respond not in the mood for his complaining today. 

'CRACK!BOOM!' is heard as thunder and lightening strikes from the sky "that will be them now" I say with a sigh as I get up off the couch and head to the main area of the compound. All of them get up and follow after me. Thunder and lightening goes off again before suddenly the bifrost shoots down and my uncle appears but without my father. "Thor, where's my father?" I ask making my way over to him "oh um I had to get him out of Asgard another way since you know Heimdall can't let out anything he thinks is a threat to the nine realms" Thor explains "okay, so where is he?" I ask "he's on his way in a slightly slower transportation" he replies with a small grin on his face before a hole suddenly appears in the air next to him and the sound of my father yelling is heard before he suddenly falls out of it and lands on the floor with a thud. The hole closes "I have been falling for thirty minutes!" he yells "hmm really? It only took me two minutes to get here" Thor gloats making me roll my eyes. My father springs to his feet, running a hand through his hair before pointing at Thor as he glares at him "a warning would've been nice" he says through gritted teeth. "In my defense I didn't know it took that long but this was much more entertaining than I anticipated" Thor responds with a smirk "you irritate me" my father replies "hi daddy" I finally speak up making him snap his head towards me and a smile appears on his face. "My daughter" he says as I bring him in for a hug, he hugs me tight before letting go and his eyes land on my baby bump. He clenches his jaw "who did this? Who's the culprit behind this?" he asks pointing to my bump "oh that would be my brother over here" Klaus speaks up patting Kol on the back and shoving him forward. Kol sends a glare at Klaus but gulps as he turns back as my father narrows his eyes at him. "I will be having words with you later" he says making Kol nod "of course" he responds my father looks aright at me. "How far along?" he asks "four months, one week and two days"  I respond "you were pregnant during the New York invasion" he says "I was but I didn't know of it until after. I literally found out after the Chitauri were defeated" I respond "how come I'm only just finding out about this?" he asks I see the hurt flashing through his eyes making me feel guilty "I didn't think telling you right after was a good idea. I didn't know what your state of mind was like and I wanted to give it some point. I swear I was going to tell you" I respond "I believe you. Well it looks like the child has inherited the Jotum gene" he replies "the baby has" I respond "don't let the child believe it's a monster because of it's heritage. Don't hide it from the child as Odin did to me and you" he replies "I won't papa" I respond before turning to Thor. "Thank you for bringing him. You may go, I'll take it from here" I say making him nod and he steps forward and pulls me into a hug. "I'll see you again, soon my little niece" he says "okay" I respond as he pulls back sending a wave to Rebekah before he swings his hammer around and flies up in the air. 

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