| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |

Start from the beginning

So I decided to step between when I held him back causing her to fall back to the ground as he let her go.
,, Sehun !" I growled annoyed when I saw him trying to help her up.

,, I'm not doing anything calm down !" He yelled back with a frown.

,, can you all just calm down, Sehun get away from her and jongin let hyunsik go and hyunsik for gods sake step aside!" Chanyeols ordered and it caught me a little off guard when I looked at him and his strong demanding voice as his eyes glew in a dark yellow.

Sehun grumbled under his breath folding his arms together while I stepped aside to see hyunsik also listening to his orders.

I must say there's something in the sound of his demanding voice.. maybe the others couldn't hear but me as an alpha I could and it made me over think way too much .

,, i-is there someone else in the house ?" She questioned quite shakingly.

,, no " I answered before anyone else.

,, just you "

,, we're not answering anything unless you tell us who you are and what happened !" I finally growled myself, I was sick of dragging this longer than it is.

She just looked at me in fear getting to her legs shakingly.
,, I'm... "

She dropped something but as a noise appeard from upstairs, my eyes landed on the little ball on the floor in a split second the situation turned to a disaster .

It was as if time had started passing by slowly after A gasp appeard beside me and I had turned my head to see a knife sticking out of the space between Sehun shoulder and throat.

My eyes widened when he held onto the knife coughing up blood as he was going to collapse but I was there to hold him in time as hyunsik pulled him to himself and I turned my head again to see her already running upstairs and being half way up.

It caused me to react instantly when I started running after her in panic. I hadn't even had time to make sure Sehun is ok ! When everything came down crashing on me and time resumed as fast as it is.

I shifted to kai, when I only saw her hair as she ran into the bedroom running after her and finally after turning to enter the room aswell jumping on her back, as she was on top of kyungsoo, and rolling to the side with her.

Another knife was in her hand and she was stabbing me around in the air like crazy I could bearly hold her still
When she managed to slice my neck lightly and over my chest before I bit into her throat and turned her head killing her within seconds.

I couldn't even take a breath when a loud explosive noise appeard.
,, Jongin !" Kyungsoo yelled, smoke filled the air as he ran toward the door again.

I couldn't call his name in my wolf form but I didn't have time to shift and call him only to shift back again so i instead ran after him. Blocking his path an pushing him back.
,, no ! We have to get down !"

I figured it wouldn't work any other way so I quickly shifted after all holding him still as I grimaced at how it pulled on my wounds. His hands were bloodied aswell and he was having a scratch on his jaw line.
,, go to baekhyun I'll take care of this just wait ok if it gets worse exit through the window !" I ordered simply hoping he would listen and not argue or be stubborn as I quickly shifted back to kai running down the stairs.

I instantly heads toward the open crushed door closing it when I heard distant steps turning to see chanyeol covered in dirt standing in front of hyunsik who was towering Sehun thankfully. I shifted once more when I arrived by their side moving chanyeol and hyunsik aside who also fortunately only had dirt and scratches maybe some burns on them but nothing serious.

But Sehun was out cold, the knife still in his shoulder. That it was so close to his throat was concerning and I tried to listen to his steady heartbeat.
,, we need to get him out " I concluded loudly for them to know they should move.

,, chanyeol get baekhyun and kyungsoo through the back window outside I'll try to sneak with them through the kitchen"

Someone started kicking against the closed door and no one said anything anymore as chanyeol shifted to run upstairs while I picked Sehun up rushing toward the kitchen as hyunsik searched in a rush through some drawers and broke some walls to pull all kinds of guns out and a backpack of different sorts probably even more weapons.

The door broke down just as we both got to the exit door of the kitchen which we ended up running through to be outside I constantly looked behind to see if hyunsik could follow as a human.

I ended up rushing in between the trees turning directions a few times when I heard that they were almost everywhere already.

There was a little hill with a small cave underneath of it.
I noticed hyunsik shivering lightly but I handed him Sehun regardless making them settle down in that cave. It wasn't great, comfortable or anything but it was dark and a perfect hiding spot for now at least.
,, stay here ok .. try to .. try to control the bleeding I'll get the others, baekhyun will know what to do "

He nodded but wasn't moving his eyes away from Sehun face as his head laid in his lap. Hyunsik carrying this expresion was weird and somehow.. it at least calmed me knowing I could indeed trust him with my youngest beta.

My feet felt like they're on fire when I hurried back seeing how kyungsoo and chanyeol were trying to get baekhyun down the high house and it tempered me that kyungsoo was the last one in it.

,, shit!" The banging appeard i could hear it and kyungsoo rurned his head being about to step out of the window when a hand had pulls shim back and my eyes widened I growled loudly shifting to kai as I ran past chanyeol and baekhyun who were out of the house now.

My feet carried me paatvthe few hunters and even as they shot, hitting me with 2 bullets on my left shoulder.
It hurt but I couldn't focus on it the fear for kyungsoo was pushing me.

When I ran into the door and ripped th guy holding kyungsoo back off of him, he cried out as it caused him to crush onto the floor and I turned my head to look at him for a moment to see if he was ok. The guy I had bit into obviously wasn't, as he was just twithig on the floor clutching onto the deep wound and crawling back as he clutched it.

A clicking was heard and I looked up straight at the gun pointed to my head, showing my teeth and growling lowly at the hundreds standing in front of me, smirking as she was going to pull the trigger.
,, NOO!" kyungsoos screamed and I heard him stumbling toward me.

,, enough !"

A deep voice cut through it all just as kyungsoo collapsed down before me in order to shield me which didn't quite work comparing my wolf size to his body's

I spotted more blood over this arm but when I saw who's voice had caught everyone's attention as the hundreds backed away. There was nothing realy I could process thinking of.

Kyungsoo got to his feet shakingly, almost slowly yet he tripped backwards making me catch him to hold him upright with my head as he whispered out in nothing but disbelieve, shock and fear..

,, f-father "

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