The Beginning & The End

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Thank you", I say as he lays the plate in my lap

"I didn't want to keep you waiting long so I just toast, bacon, eggs, and potatoes", he says handing me afork

"That sounds like more than enough for me and this is more than enough food to feed one person, but I have to tell you I am not the biggest fan of eggs so you will have to share with me" , I say looking down at the plate of food and back at him

"I think we can work something out", he says back jokingly

"I forgot your drink I'll be right back", and with that he heads back out into the hallway

I pick up the fork and take the first bite and I moan so loud that I am again glad he doesn't have any neighbors. The food taste so fresh that I have no choice but to try and shove and entire length of bacon in my mouth at once.

"I thought we were sharing?", Ares says as he makes his way into the room

I am enjoying the food so much that I didn't even notice his return

"I change my mind this food is way to good to just give away for free, but you can still have the eggs", I say with a giggle

"I am only gone for a minute and your loyalties have already changed", he says as he sits the juice on the night stand and makes his way to other side of the bed

"Maybe you shouldn't have left me alone, I am easily swayed when delicious food is involved", I say then shove another large bit of food into my mouth

"Good to know that food is the way into your heart", he says coming closer and kissing my chewing cheek attempting to take a piece of food from plate 

"Now your trying to get on my bad side", I say with a playful glare moving the plate from reach

Before he can make a response we hear a telephone ring from somewhere in the house. Ares's face changes instantly like he recognizes the tone and knows who's on the other line. He kisses my neck without another word and heads out of the room to answer the device.

"I wonder who it is, his mood changed instantly", I say to myself and then keep eating my breakfast

A few minutes later I hear Ares walking back toward the bed room. And I can hear the ending of his tense conversation.

"Just get it done before get there, I don't need excuses. Se arrivo lì e la situazione non è gestita, perderai un occhio."

I don't understand the last part but based on his tone I don't really want to be know or have it directed at me. He hangs up the phone as steps into the room fully.

"Sorry about that Cara, people at work aren't getting things done", he says slightly on edge

"Its ok I understand, do you have to head into the office or something", I say sitting the plate on side table and picking up the glass of orange juice

"Sadly yes, we have something big coming up and I need to make sure everyone is doing their job correctly", He says and I nod understandingly

"How about we take a shower together and then you can take me home?" I say with a lustful look on my face

"I like this plan a-lot", he says with equally darkening eyes

He walks over to the bed and yanks the cover back exposing my naked body and I let out a little screech. He scoops me up in a fireman hold and heads toward the bathroom, I giggle and hold onto his neck tightly.

He sits me on the edge if the massive tub and heads over and cuts on the massive shower.

He looks back at me as he takes off his shorts and then reaches his hand out for me to grab. I take it with out hesitation and he pulls me into the warm spray.

Bleu.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon