Full Circle

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"Honestly he wasn't even that cute... like I can 100% say that I have seen better", I say as I sink lower into the bubble filled tub

"For sure! He was like 4 on a scale of 1 to 10", Hwa Young says nodding in agreement

I look at Taylor for confirmation and she just stares at me with a look as she pores more wine into her glass.

I grab my glass from the edge of the tub and gulp down the rest, " Fill her please"

Taylor reaches over and fills my glass up to the top. I nod in thanks and proceed to take another large gulp

"He was hot don't lie to yourself bitch", Taylor says as she takes her seat again

"I know he was but it makes me feel like 5% less like shit if I pretend like he was ugly", I say as sit my glass to the side

The girls and I had been sitting in my bathroom for the past hour with me turning into a prune under a mound of bubbles

"What if it really wasn't what it seemed?", Taylor says with a simple shrug and then takes another sip

Hwa Young looks at me and nods in agreement with Taylor's statement

"I don't know I guess I don't want to deal with the possibility that this really is the reality and he has a super hot girl friend that he likes to take designer shopping", I say as I pick up a hand full of bubble and blow them

"You won't know unless you give him a chance to explain and you cannot do that pretending to be Julia Roberts in this bath tub" , Taylor says and reaches in the bath to pull up the drain

"I hate when you make sense it so annoying when I'm trying to be irrational", I say as I sit there listening to the water draining out

"SO...are you going to call him", Hwa young say pulling my towel off the rack to hand to me

"I just need some time ... it really spooked me the moment I realized I cared about him the way I do", I say taking it gratefully after standing

"I can understand but don't let too much time pass before you give him a chance. Don't let fear stop you from something great.", Taylor says as she walks out the bedroom

"Don't you hate people who say really prophetic things and then walk out the room in a dramatic fashion?", I say endearingly

Hwa Young laughs then raps and arm around my shoulder then kisses my cheek as we walk out my bathroom.

Before I know it it was Wednesday and I still hadn't heard from Ares after our dramatic standoff outside of the car.

I made it up in mind that night that if he called I would answer and listen... but then came no call came. And all the doubts I had in the first place started seeping back into my sub conscious and I was now at 6:30 pm on Wednesday deciding that Ares had probably moved on with his life.

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