Wake up Bleu

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I wake to the sound of pots banging around in the kitchen and I turn to pat around in the bed for my phone

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I wake to the sound of pots banging around in the kitchen and I turn to pat around in the bed for my phone. When I find it shoved under my pillow I check the time and groan. Time zones are a bitch its 6:30 am and I am in no mood to start this day. I get up and walk to my bedroom door and peak my head out.

"Whatever you are making in there better be enough for two!", I yell down the hallway toward the noise.

"Maybe ... Maybe not", I hear in response.

I shake my head and close the door and head toward the bathroom. I take a moment and stare at myself in mirror looking directly at my disheveled form. "Alright Bleu you have had 3 days to prepare for this, you are going to kick this first day of classes ass"

I turn to my new speaker on my counter and grab my phone to turn on my morning playlist. The bathroom with the sounds with my well crafted early morning playlist. As expected I didn't do my hair yesterday so a low bun is what we are getting out of this wash day. Lord this is about to be way too long of a shower and I think I need to shave my legs as well.

"I'm sorry earth but I need this water", I say to no one in particular

A scary 45 mins later I'm out with clean hair and smooth legs. "Jesus Christ, I thought you drowned in there at one point", Taylor says as she peaks her head into the bathroom.

"I needed to wash my hair plus you take even longer on a regular day because you like to have full concerts in shower", I say while drying off.

"I have to give my fans what they want, they come to see me and I must deliver", She says walking fully into the room and sitting on the edge counter.

"Well your off-key singing is more like raid to the ears but to each his own", I say with smile as I begin my skin care routine

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, what time is your first class?", she says smiling

"It starts at 9:30 and Killian is supposed to give me a ride since my car won't be here until the weekend", I say while I finish rubbing in my under-eye cream and grabbing my tooth brush

"What you are you going to do for transpo for the rest of the week?"

"idufbsdiufsiufbsifsub", I say with a mouth full of tooth paste

Taylor raises her hand, "Spit then answer ma'am I have no clue what you are saying"

I spit in the sink and look up at her, "I said... he said god gave me legs and the power to use them"

With that she cracks up and hops down from the sink, "well sucks to suck ginger"

"well aren't you a sweet heart and the picture of loyalty", glaring at her

"Thank you I love hearing compliments from fans and hurry up I made breakfast and its probably hella cold now", she says as he sweeps out of the room

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