New Friends

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I sit in one of the middle rows of the small lecture hall waiting for my class to begin. There are people milling around talking to people about their summer and what kind of classes they are taking this semester. I look down at my phone scrolling through Instagram to pass the time and texting Taylor periodically with updates.

"Ok let's settle in", a voice says from the back of the room. I look backward and man in his 30s which I am assuming is the professor heads for the front podium in front of the white board.

"Hello, my name is professor Connors and welcome to the first day of the rest of the semester", he says smiling at the 30 or so students in the room.

"Alright, so the sllyabus is located on the blackboard sight with the course schedule and my office hours' information. I am not going get to much into it because it's pretty self-explanatory and half of it is crap the university wants us to say. Attendance is not mandatory but do try to be here because it will help with the class project that is 70% of your grade."

There is a rumble of whispers that goes around the room. "Yes, you heard that right. The project is worth 70 not .70 or 7.0. Also, best exhibit gets a guaranteed internship at the MET in New York for the summer ", professor Connors says in response

Hands around the room begin to shoot up no doubt trying to ask hypothetical questions about ways they could still pass the class even if they failed the assignment. "Hands down, there is nothing to have a question about right now"

Professor Connors turns to the board grabs a marker and writes, "Making A Museum". He turns back towards with a straight face and says, "This class will challenge you to create and curate your own museum exhibit, and make it a reality."

"You and a partner will need to find artists, a venue, a date and time for an opening, and a guest list. You have until the clock strikes 12 on the last day of the semester to have me walk your gallery. You set the standard for how the evening will go so do your best, the key to a great show doesn't just lie in the art you show it lies in the effort you give behind the scenes", it feels as though he is looking at each and every one of us in the eye.

I look to my left and right observing the faces of the people around me. It seems as though people are in the same state of either readiness or distress. I like to consider myself right in the middle but still leaning heavily to the latter. But a part of me is really excited because this is what I want to do with my life, I want to create a hub of creativity. But now I need to find a partner that will actually be useful.

I guess I zoned out for a while because I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn to my left and there is a pretty Asian girl leaning toward me with a smile. "Hi, my is Hwa-Young and you look like one of the few people who aren't frozen with fear"

"I guess I'm getting really good at my poker face because I am slightly overwhelmed", I say with a smile. She laughs, "Teach me your ways".

I laugh along with her and say, "I am Bleu by the way". I stick my hand out toward her across the seat between us. "It's nice to me Bleu", she says while taking my hand and shaking it.

"Alright guys settle down! I advise people to pick partners this week because we get the ball rolling fast and you need to have time to formulate ideas. Again, my office hours are listed on the syllabus so fill free to come by with intelligent questions!", He looks at someone on the front row directly but I can't make out who

"Welcome to ARH 320: Curating Space...... I hope you survive", with that he walks off the podium and heads for the lower level exit and out the door

"Ok, that wasn't dramatic as fuck", Hwa-Young says with a smile. She grabs her bag and drops into the seat next to me looking me directly in the eye. "So, I know we haven't known each other long but we have a lifetime to do that. So, would you Ms. Bleu with the ginger hair do me the honor of being my partner and sharing this semester long journey with me."

I can't help but laugh at the wording of her statement and the serious look on her face. "I would love to be your partner and share in this journey with you". With that she lets out a squeal of excitement

"Ok this is great let me get your number and maybe we can get coffee or something this week to knock out some steps in our journey to being life partners", She says as she searches for what I am guessing is her phone in her hand bag.

I reach for my own and open the contact app, "I'm glad you asked because I wouldn't have even known who to even begin asking". She hands her phone to me and says, "Us fashionable ladies have to stand together these people don't stand a chance"

After exchanging numbers, we gather our stuff and head toward the exit as the next class begins to trickle in. "I will make sure to text you about coffee this week", Hwa- Young says as we split to walk in separate directions. "Ok perfect, it was nice meeting you!", I say with a smile 

"You too", she says as she disappears into the crowd of students around us

Before I can even walk a few steps away my phone buzzes and I look at the name and smile. I didn't think Hwa- Young would text me this soon!

"Let's do coffee on Wednesday before class and then we can walk there together?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Starbucks or Local"

"Local they always have better pastries"

"Local it is, see you Wednesday!"

I heart her message and head into to the stream of students to get to my next class. I need to remember to facetime my parents tonight, because I am sure mom is going to be chomping at the bit to get a playback of the day.

Thank you reading! Don't forget to like and comment. Make sure to listen to the song at the beginning go the chapter!

Can't wait for Ares's to make his appearance next chapter!

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