My Hero chapter 7

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"He wants to meet you, Bee." Said Rusty.

Um, what?

I whisper, "Say what now?"

He flicks his hand to the note and says, "He wants to meet you."

My eyes widen and I whisper loudly, "Why the hell does he want to meet me for?"

"He's curious to see what woman sends a man candy." He said with a laugh.

"Why did he send you then?, why couldn't he have come and ask me himself?" I asked curiously.

"I asked him the same question. He said he's busy today, he can't come and thank you in person."

"Bullshit!" I said.

"What's bullshit?" asked Rusty confused.

"If he's busy then you're busy. Since you're here in my shop harassing me about that note, that means you're not busy." I said.

"Bee, he doesn't work at the station the whole time. He works two to three weeks at the station from 8 to 5 on Monday - Friday. He owns a security business with his brother and a friend, so he works there the other times he's not at the fire station."

"How about the weekends?" I couldn't stop my curiosity from taking over.

"He's busy working at his security office." He said.

"What's this security job called?" Asked Rosie.

"They call it N.C.I.S."

"The one on Sunset?" Asked Rosie.

"Yeah, that's the one."

"I've heard a lot of good things about them. Everyone says they're the best." Said Rosie.

"Never heard of them." I said.

"Of course you haven't Cuz, all you've been doing ever since you came to New York is hiding from that ass by going to work, dropping off and picking up Jazzy from day care and going home." He said in frustration.

"Yeah, Bianca. You need to loosen up a bit and have some fun. Get out in New York and live a little. Get to know everything that's going on around us. You're a young beautiful 23 year old woman. You can't keep hiding for the rest of your life." Said Rosie.

"What do you guys expect me to do? stop looking over my shoulder? Stop worrying about Shawn coming for me and Jasmine?" I said angrily.

"Bee, you're not in this fight alone anymore. You have me to protect you and that little angel. I'm not telling you to stop worrying, which I wish you would but let loose and have some fun." He said softly.

"You also have me and Tina in your corner, Bianca. You know Tina and I are bat shit crazy, we'll do anything to protect you honey." She said passionately.

I looked between them and started crying. "I'm sorry guys. I know you're trying to help me. I guess I'm still afraid he's going to show up any minute and take his revenge on me."

Rusty came around the counter and took me into his arms.

"Don't worry Bee, no one is going to harm you as long as I'm around." He said rocking me back and forth. I stopped crying and moved out of his arms but not before giving him a grateful smile. He grabbed one of the sweaters off the counter and handed it to me.

"Here wipe your face with this." He said with a grin.

I took the sweater from him and put it back with a laugh. "You're an idiot Rusty. I love you." I said kissing his cheek after wiping my eyes and nose with a tissue.

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