My Hero Chapter 26

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Bianca's POV

I dressed Jasmine in her costume with a long sleeved shirt and tights underneath because of the cold weather they were having today.

Jasmine twirled herself around the room and started giggling with her curls bouncing around her face.

"Mommy Mommy twirl with me!" yelled jasmine excitedly

"Ok, Baby"

I grabbed her arms and twirled around the room with her laughing.

"You are the most beautiful princess I have ever seen." I told her

"Thank you!" Said Jasmine

"When can we go get candy, Mommy?"

"In a little while, Jazzy. Let me just get dressed and then we can start trick or treating." I told her as I went into my closet to change into some tights and a long sleeved shirt also before coming out to put My costume on.

"Where's uncle Rusty, Mommy?"

"He's at work"

"Can we go see him and Mine?"

"We're not going on their side tonight, Jazzy. We are stayin in our neighborhood and getting candy from our neighbors."

"I want Mine and Uncle Rusty to come with us." Said a pouting Jasmine

"I told you Jasmine, they both have to work right now but maybe we can visit them tomorrow."

Jasmine stopped pouting and said "Ok"

"You're such a well behaved princess tonight"

She giggled and ran out of the room. I took my costume out of the closet and put it on. I picked up my hair and put it in a bun. I grabbed my black flats and put them on. I was making sure my feet were comftorable before my ass was walking out of this apartment. I grabbed Jasmine's flats and walked out of the room.

"Jasmine, come wear your shoes."

She came running out of her room with her pink pumpkin bucket. She sat on the floor and put her shoes on.

I grabbed her plastic tiara off the counter and put it on her head. She looked up at me, smiled and twirled herself around.

"How do I look, Mommy?"

"You Look beautiful, Jazzy. You look like a real princess."

"Thank you! You look booteful princess too, mama"

I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse before locking the apartment behind us.

Jasmine stood in front of the security camera that was outside the apartment and started waving at it.

"Hi mine!!!"

"Hi uncle Rusty!!"

She asked me one time why did we have a camera outside and I explained to her "that it was easier for uncle Rusty and Carmine to help keep us safe"

She smiled and said "Ok" as if she knew it was the best answer she ever heard.

I looked down at her, grabbed her hand and twirled with her to show them our outfits. The camera moved up and down as if it's saying they approve of our outfits.

"Does that mean they lIke our dresses?" She asked me

"Yes it does, baby. That means they like it a lot!" I said excitedly

She nodded her head saying "Good!"

We waved once more to the camera and walked towards the elevators.

My phone started to ring, without looking at the caller ID I answered it.


"Hey, babe."

"Hey, Carmine. How are you?"

"I'm better now since I seen you and heard your beautiful voice. You girls look beautiful."

"Thanks, babe."

"you ladies be careful out there now. You hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you and don't worry we'll be extra careful. If I sense anything wrong I'll call you or Rusty right away. I promise"

"You better, Bianca. I'm serious"

"I promise, Carmine. Don't be such a worry wart all the time" I told him teasingly as I got on the elevator holdingJasmine's hand.

"When it comes to you and that little angel I'm always gonna worry about you two. You ladies mean a lot to me, I don't know what I'll do if any of you got hurt." he whispered over the phone.

My heart just grew a size bigger for him and the perfect feelings that he just confessed to me and Jasmine.

"Let's pray you never have to find out, babe" I whispered right back.

We both stayed quiet for a few more seconds just taking in the hidden meaning in the words that were just spoken and hung up the phone.

If I wasn't mistaken I think it that was our way of us saying "I love you"


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So sorry for the delay guys!!

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