My Hero chapter 13

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I took the elevator down to the lobby and came face to face with Carmine. He looked fine as hell. He's gone with a slightly casual look that I've never seen him wear. He's wearing a red skin tight shirt that showcased his tattooed arm, and broad chest. Black jeans that make his muscular legs look amazing. Red and black Nike lace ups, he pulls it off so well. He could wear a potato sack and still look great. He looks me up and down and gives me a dimpled smile.

"Ready to go, sweetheart."

I walk up to him put an arm around his waist and look up, "yep, let's go."

"You look beautiful tonight." Says Carmine

I smiled and felt a blush coming on, "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself, handsome"

He chuckled as he opened the door to his black BMW for me.

"You feel like having a steak?" He asks me

"Who doesn't feel like having a good steak?"

We drive about 15 minutes and stop in front of a popular restaurant called "The Grill". The restaurant was pretty full. We make it to the hosts station and the lady there smiles when she sees us. I'm sure she thinks we're a couple since he has his arm around my shoulders and my arm around his waist. I'm shocked at myself when I don't care what she thinks.

Carmine speaks, "Table for two please."

The host immediately replies, "Of course, follow me."

Still with our arms around each other, she shows us to a table just inside an open doorway that leads to a patio seating. I feel a warm breeze come through the doorway and I think she gave us the best seats in the restaurant.
Just as we're about to sit, i hear multiple gasps and look over at the table by us to see two pretty women sitting and staring at us open mouthed. Carmine stiffens and I'm confused.
Whats going on? I thought
The women look past us to the restaurants entrance. I feel my eyes follow theirs and I see what they see, I stiffen as much as Carmine had. At the host table stands she devil Missy. Her face flashes pain but she covers it quickly with a superior look. She walks over to where her friends are sitting and as she passes us she acknowledges us,

"Carmine, and friend of Carmine's."

Carmine sounds bored when he replies, "Missy. Enjoy your dinner."

As Missy sits with her friends I hear them plaster her with questions and statements.

"Oh my god Missy, isn't that your boyfriend?"

"I thought you guys were getting engaged?, forget his cheating ass."

Carmine takes a chair out for me and I sit, then seats himself and gives me an easy smile,

"Just ignore them."

I give him a genuine smile because I'm not about to let some bitches ruin my evening.

"Yeah, sure."

He reaches over to put his hand over mine, he whispers,

"We can leave if you want."

I'm just about to answer when a waitress comes over to the table with the menus. Rather than answer Carmine I take the menu from the waitresses hand showing him I'd rather stay. He smiles and shakes his head at me.

"What would you guys like to drink?" Asks the waitress

"I'll have a root beer." I say

"I'll have a mountain dew." Answers carmine

"Anything else?" she asks Carmine flirtatiously.

His face transformed from friendly to stony.

"No, you may go now."

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