My Hero chapter 21

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Bianca's POV

I ran around the corner to get to my car and what I seen had me crying the minute I reached it.
The tires were slashed. The bastards slashed my tires so I wouldn't escape. I hugged jasmine tighter and ran down the block to the bus stop hoping they didn't see me. I made it in time and got on the bus just before it drove off.

"Hi" I told the bus driver.

"Hey, is everything ok, Ma'm?" He asked looking at the both of us in confusion.

"Yes, thank you. We just got caught in the rain." I said with a forced smile. "can I just sit down please before paying?" I asked

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Thank you!"

I sat in the back of the bus where it was empty. I sat Jazzy down on the empty seat next to me.

"Baby, don't move until I say so."

"Okay, Mommy."

I put the duffel bag down in front of me and took out my metro card. I went up to the front of the bus and swiped my card, then went back to my seat. I looked at Jasmine and seen her shivering.
I took out a small towel, jeans, and a light long sleeved shirt from the duffel bag. The bus was practically empty so I changed her clothes and shoes real quick before anyone saw anything. I didn't want my baby dying from hypothermia. I was cold also but there was no way I was changing on the bus. I just took out my sweater and wore it over my wet shirt.

"Mama, I hungary"

"Ok, baby. I'll get you something to eat in a little while. Do you want to color til then?"

"Yes!" she said smiling.

I took out her book and crayons and handed them to her. I then took out my extra burner phone that I had in there. I was always prepared for things like this because I have always known Shawn won't give up until he found us. I made sure to have extra clothing for the both of us, small blanket, extra pair of shoes, emergency phone, and money.
I programmed Carmine's, Rusty's, and the girls numbers in the phone. I dialed Rusty's number first but he didn't answer. I dialed Carmine's number next, after a few rings he answered.


After hearing his voice on the other end I just started crying. I don't know why but just hearing his voice made me feel safe and loved.

"Hello?" He said again but a bit more louder now.

"Carmine, it's me"

"Bianca, is that you?"

"Yes." I said wiping my tears away.

"Whose number is this?
Are you crying?
what's wrong?
Where are you?, Is Jasmine hurt?" he fired all At once.

Carmine's POV

I'm sitting in my security office with Nick when my phone starts to ring. I look at the number but I don't recognize it. I wasn't going to answer it but it continued ringing.

"Hello?" I answer

No answer. I look at Nick and see him staring at me curiously.

"Who is it?" he asks me

"I don't know" I tell him

"Hello?" I say a bit louder now.

"Carmine, it's me." says the voice

"Bianca, is that you?" I ask as I sat up straight in my chair.she sounds like she's been crying.

"Yes" She says sniffling

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