My Hero chapter 30

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Carmine's POV

I rushed over Bianca's apartment as fast as I can trying not to break any traffic laws along the way.
I know I talked to Rosie and She told me that Bianca and jazzy were fine but I still had this gut feeling that something was off. I needed to see them with my own two eyes that they were fine. I parked my car in front of her building and took the elevator to Bianca's floor, I walked to her door and knocked on her door a few times, when there was no answer I took the stairs down to Rosie's floor and knocked on her door , but there was still no answer from any of them.

"Bianca are you in there?" I shouted.

"Rosie?" I shouted again.

There was still no answer from any of them. My phone buzzed loudly in my pocket, I took it out quickly, almost fumbling the small device in haste. A message was sent to me from a blocked ID. I felt a chill run down the length of my spine.

"GAME OVER, SHE'S MINE NOW." I read swiftly.

Maybe it was my brain trying to protect me but for a blissful second I didn't understand what the message meant. I realized and my heart stuttered in my chest.


I took out my phone and dialed Rusty's number.

"What's up man!" Answered Rusty

"Get your ass to where I work now, The fucking prick has Bianca. I'm on my way now." I yelled into the phone, I didn't give Rusty a chance to speak before shutting the phone in his face.
I was only minutes behind Rusty when I pulled up in front of my security office. I let my car skid in the parking spot and got out nimbly, my mind only on getting to Bianca safely. I went inside and seen Nick talking on the phone rapidly and urgently into the phone.

I remembered the tracking device i inserted in her phone after the break in at the Boutique, With numb fingers I dug my phone out of my pocket. Haste made me fumble as I desperately fought to open the device that would show me exactly where Bianca was. Normally the screen held a vibrant red dot, pinpointing the place, down to the inch, where Bianca was standing. It was ominously blank now.

I was dimly aware of Rusty shouting questions, demanding answers but it was like someone had pressed the mute button. I could see his lips moving but I wasn't registering the sounds, not really.

Nick spotted him and his whole expression shifted. Even at a distance he could see his sympathy.

"What happened?" asked Rusty

Carmine was surprised was how calm he sounded now. Rusty's gaze started sweeping around his office, looking for even the smallest clue that would reveal what happened to his cousin.

"Is she alive?" He asked

"He took her. Both of them." I didn't try to soften the blow because I knew there was no way to say it that can make it any better. Sympathy, anger, and fear flashed in the depth of his eyes.

Exploding into motion, Rusty had two hands hooked into the front of my shirt before I could even blink, cutting me off mid shout.

Rusty slammed me hard into the wall, oblivious to the hands fruitlessly clawing at his shoulders, trying to pull him backwards.

"You were supposed to fucking protect her!" spat Rusty

"Get the fuck off of him!" Yelled nick

"She's going to die because of you, Carmine. All because you couldn't protect her."

That comment made my vision swim red, maybe it was guilt and maybe it was blind fear for Bianca and Jasmine's safety but I managed to twist in his iron hold and managed to punch Rusty square in the jaw.

My knuckles ached immediately from the force of it but it was satisfying to see Rusty stagger backwards, almost losing his balance.

Nick was suddenly in between the pair of them, using two firm hands on Rusty's shoulders to stop him from surging back at me. I didn't care; I would have welcomed the fight. On a normal day, I was pretty sure I can kick his ass. After all I was well trained and something about me breathed violence. But today? He looked like he wanted to tear me from limb to limb.

"Get your brother back on his leash, Nick" Rusty snarled over Nick's shoulder, flushing with fury.

"she trusted us and we let them get taken from right under our nose!" I snapped back.

Nick raised soothing hands. "We'll get them back. We'll find them. We just have to keep a level head."

"Well if he wasn't always thinking with his dick instead of his head she would be safe now." yelled Rusty.

"How about you shut your fucking mouth?" Nick suggested, a warm undercurrent of anger stirring in his voice.

"I love them both, Rusty. You know I would never put my needs before their safety," I said, low and dangerous.

"I know that," Rusty announced abruptly. "Doesn't change the fact that they still took her away from us. Took them both."

"We are going to get them back. I promise you that, man." I said

Rusty let out a huge sigh and nodded his head. "I hope so, Carmine."


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