My Hero chapter 3

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We landed in JFK Airport few hours later. We took a cab to Brooklyn where my cousin Rusty lived. The last time I talked to him was a year and a half ago and I remembered he told me he lived in a Apartment building on Bay Parkway between Cropsey Ave and Bensonhurst. I'm hoping he still lives there.


I pressed the intercom button that read Rusty Morris. His mom and my dad are siblings but, ever since our parents had a falling out we never saw much of each other. I still love him though. He's like an older brother to me and I know he will help and protect me anyway he can.


I licked my dry lips out of nervousness and said.


"Who wants to know?" His voice didn't hold suspicion. It was more of curiosity.

"It's me Bianca." I told him as I shifted Jasmine to my other shoulder to make her more comfortable as she slept.

"Bianca! My baby cousin Bianca?" He asked sounding shocked.

I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me.

"Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing here?"

"Can I please come up?"

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Come on in and take the elevator to the fourth floor."

The building door buzzed open. I picked up my duffel bag and set it on my shoulder carefully. I didn't want to wake Jazzy up. I grabbed my suitcase and walked inside the building towards the elevators. Inside of the building was nice. The walls were black and white tiles. The floor had large white shiny tiles, on the left side there was a large brown desk with beige couches on each side of the desk. There was no one sitting there right now. On the right side there were mailboxes against the wall and in front of me are 2 elevators.

I took the elevator to the fourth floor. The doors opened and there stood Rusty waiting for me.

He changed so much since the last time I saw him at my high school graduation. He is more taller now and more fit. I guess that's because he's a firefighter so he has to stay fit. His brown hair was cut short. His brown eyes lit up when he smiled.

"Bianca!!" He came over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hi Rusty, Not so loud please. Jasmines sleeping."

"Sorry. Come on then let's put her to bed."

He grabbed both my bags and walked down the hall to his apartment. His apartment wasn't too big or too small. It was a perfect size for him. I first walked into a small corridor. The kitchen was to the left. It had light brown cabinets with white stove, fridge, microwave and dishwasher. It had a beige island with a marble countertop. The living room and dining room are connected. He had black leather couches and coffee table in the middle of the room. He has a fifty inch flat screen t.v against his wall. There was also a small door. It probably led to the balcony. His dining room had a round table with four chairs around it. He turned right and there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. There was also a closest that held the washing machine and dryer.

"You can put her on the bed in here." Said Rusty.

The room was pretty big. It had a queen sized bed, two night stands, dresser and a small walk in closet. I put Jasmine in the middle of the bed and covered her with a light blanket. I kissed her forehead. Rusty put the bags on the floor and walked out of the room. I followed him and shut the door halfway behind me so I can hear if she wakes up crying.

We sat in the living room across from each other.

"This is a surprise. What brings you to New York?" Asked Rusty.

"I missed you. I decided to take a small vacation and come see you." I said fixing the scarf around my face and neck. Rust stared at the scarf around my face and said.

"Why are you really here Bianca?" He asked again in a stern voice.

I let out a sigh and removed the scarf and threw it beside me. He let out a gasp and said.

"What the fuck happened? Who did this to you?"

"Shawn." I spat out his name in disgust.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Almost three years."

"Why the hell did you stay with him? Why didn't you leave the minute he touched you? He yelled.

"I threatened to leave him a few times but, he said if I ever left him he would take my daughter away from me." I said in a shaky voice.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have came to get you and beat the shit out of him for you."

I looked at him and knew that he was serious.

"I didn't want to get you involved. If you laid a hand on him he would call his daddy and have you arrested."

He got up and came to sit next to me. He put his arm around me pulling me closer to his side.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." He said with so much sincerity in his voice that I just started crying. I was crying loud and hard. My shoulders shook uncontrollably. I cried two years worth of tears and tears of relief that someone finally believed me.

"It's ok Bee, let it all out." He said.

Bee was the nickname he called me when we were younger. I stopped crying after a while. He handed me my scarf saying.

"Wipe your face with this ugly thing because that will be the last time you'll ever hide your face. No one is ever going to harm you again."

"Thank you." I told him as I wiped my eyes and blew my nose in the scarf.

"How did you escape the Bastard?"

"I hit him over the head with a lamp leaving him unconscious. I grabbed my bags, Jasmine and ran out of the Apartment as fast I could."

"Are you sure he's not dead?"

"Unfortunately no." I said with a frown.

Rusty laughed and said "Only you would be upset that you didn't kill a man."

"He's not a man Rusty. A real man doesn't lay his hand on a woman and try to apologize later. They don't blame themselves, they make excuses. They blame the Alcohol, drugs, stress. There is no excuse ever for a "man" to beat a woman. I call that a waste of space human being."

I started to tell Rusty the first time he ever came home and hit me.

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