My Hero chapter 6

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Rosie breaks my chain of thought with, "Well?" confusion settles over my face and I reply,

"Well what?"

"Did you have a nice trip?" Rosie smirks. "You were miles away babe."


I cringe and say, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

She looks livid. Her blue eyes flash at me and she says, "I said that fine ass man is out there again!"

I sigh through my response, "Yeah. I saw him, Rose. He's looking pretty good today."

Her eyes widen and she almost yells, "That's all you have to say?" she narrows her eyes at me,

"You've been watching him for two weeks, Bianca. Grow a pair and ask the guy out."

"It's kind of hard for me to grow a pair Rosie since I'm a woman." I said jokingly.

She snorts and says, "I'm serious, Bianca. Ask him out."

Um, no.

I'm not doing anymore relationships. The last one didn't turn out so great.

Never again.

I lower my eyes, fold another sweater and whisper, "You'll know I can't do that honey. I think a new box of linen shirts came in. Can you please shelf them?"

Her face shows frustration and she mutters, "Way to change the subject, Bianca."

I watch her walk into the stock room but my attention is pulled back to the building across from mine. On the counter next to the register is two packs of different candies individually wrapped. One of them is chocolate kisses, my all time favorite and the other one is skittles. I sat aside the kisses on the counter and taking a piece of paper from next to the register I write three small words. I fold up my note, punch a hole in it, and tie around the candy using the red foil ribbon we use to wrap gifts with. I look at my watch. Another hour and he'll be back for another cigarette break. I yell out to Rosie I'm taking a break. She comes out to the front. I walk out of Hope's and turn right to the coffee shop next door. I know almost every person who works at Sophie's coffee lounge and they know me and my girls pretty well, too. We're there at least three times everyday to get our coffee fix, and believe me when I tell you Sophie's coffee is the shit.

I walk in and see Logan behind the counter. Perfect, just who I need to see. I walk over to him and smile, he smiles back flirtatiously.

Logan is eighteen; he works at Sophie's part time and goes to college. He is cute.

"Bianca, baby, what can I get you?"

Ever the flirt I reply "Actually Logan, I need a favor."

His face shows surprise. A smile forms on his lips and days huskily, "Sure, whatever you need." He licks his lips in invitation.

I laugh and say, "Sorry, honey not that kind of favor, I'm old enough to be you're older sister."

He wiggles his brows and says, "My sister was never a babe."

I can't help but laugh. We joke around like this all the time. It's harmless and Logan is a sweetheart.

"What can I do for you babe?"

I explain to him what I want, and he looks at me like I've lost my head. He finally agrees.

I smile in victory and go back to Hope's, taking my place at the counter and wait to see what happens.

An hour later and the hot mystery man across the street appears, right on time cigarette in hand.

I really need to ask Rusty about him next time I thought. I spot Logan making his way across the street and anxiety knots my stomach. This was a bad idea. What was I thinking?

God, I am such an idiot!

Logan approaches the mystery man and hands a small brown paper bag to him. Logan says a few words and walks away. He spies me through Hope's window and winks at me.

I watch mystery man open the brown paper bag and take out the candy. He looks confused, I'm not surprised. He tears the note off the ribbon, opens it and reads. He looks even more confused and my heart shrinks. What I see next makes it all worth it. His eyes crinkle and a small smile twitches at his lips. This is the first smile I've seen grace his gorgeous face and it was nice. I can't help but smile, too.

Yay, me! See? Not such a bad idea after all. A deep sigh escapes me. I feel at peace once again. I go about my work with a huge smile on my face.


The bells on the door chimed. I look at the door and see Rusty standing there.

He walks closer to the counter and rests his forearms on it. "Can you help me, honey?" He asks smirking.

I laugh and play along with this game of his.

"Of course, what do you need sir?"

Rosie obviously hearing a mans voice in the store comes to stand next to me. She sees Rusty and smiles. "I can help you handsome."

He smiles back showing off his dimple in his right cheek. These two just love to playfully flirt with each other. Rusty knows she's happily married and loves to tease her.

"Great, I'm looking for the owner of this."

I look down and feel the flush rise to my face. This is because on the counter sits my mystery mans note. Rosie looks down, brows scrunched in confusion. She reads the note and I know I'm totally busted. Rose knows my handwriting. I feel her stare bore into me, I won't look at her.

"You didn't!" Her voice full of amusement.

My face is red and I'm embarrassed. I look towards Rusty whose looking at me with narrowed eyes, his head tilted to the side as if he's trying to read my mind. Before I can stop myself, I answer with a screech,

"How did he know it was me?"

"It was you that sent it?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, it was me, but I never meant for him to find out it was me."

Rosie laughed out loud and asked, "How did he know it was her?"

Rusty takes the note from the counter and flips it over. We all look down and what we all see makes me even redder. I hear Rosie burst out laughing again and Rusty quietly chuckles.

Hope's Botique.

I wrote on Hope stationary!

I. Am. Mortified.

He was never supposed to know!

"I have to admit Cuz, I didn't think you were the one to send the bag of kisses. I thought it was Tina flirting with him in her own way. But I see it was you that's flirting with Carmine." He said with a smile.

"I wasn't flirting, you idiot. It's just that every time I seen him, he never smiled. I thought some chocolate and a note would cheer him up a bit." I said with a shrug.

"What did you write on the note?" asked Rosie curiously.

I felt my face heat up again. I couldn't answer her. Rusty laughed and said.

"I can answer that. The note read 'Smile sometime, handsome.' "

Yep, I'm an idiot.

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