My hero chapter 10

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What the hell? How did he get my E mail address? I was so freaking careful about not leaving any trails behind for him to track us. I got up from the couch and made sure all the doors and windows were locked. I decided to make some tea to help calm my nerves and after a while it worked. I started to think about what I would do if Shawn ever found me and Jasmine, I wouldn't sit around and do nothing that's for sure. I would fight him till the bastard is either hurt or dead and I wouldn't feel the slightest bit of guilt. I know Shawn isn't innocent and neither is his father. They are both evil and won't hesitate to do anything to get whatever they wanted. Shawn's dad is Jeremy Ames the chief of police and he's a dirty cop. He helps murderers, gang members, and drug dealers stay out of jail as long as they're paying him. I never could tell anybody because they wouldn't believe me, everyone loved Jeremy Ames. They thought he was a respectable family man and an upstanding citizen that looked out for everyone in that little town called Safe Haven. What a load of bull. I'm not worried about him though because I know one of these days those gang members, murderers, or even drug dealers will kill him. The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree because Shawn is as evil as his father. I was into Shawn when we first got together and fell in love with him after a while. I didn't see anything wrong with him until I gave birth to Jasmine, that's when he showed his true colors. The moment he laid his hands on me all the love for him just vanished. I'm not going to be scared of him anymore because if he does find us I'll be ready. With that thought in mind I put my cup in the sink and went to bed.

Two days later

I'm sitting at the front counter when the door jingles. Today is Tuesday and is the one day a week I'm alone in the store. I smile and look to the door. What I see there makes my smile disappear and my heart sinks.

Miss She-Devil (From the dress return incident) saunters over to the counter. Oh, lord. Please give me strength not to strangle her. I smile a bit wider this time and ask,

"Good Morning, Miss. How are you today?"

"She smiles back and replies "Oh, I'm great. How are you today?"


I'm immediately suspicious of her because she's smiling like the cat got the cream.

I reply, "Well, we aren't too busy today so I'm hoping we can do better. What can I help you with?"

"I just want to apologize for my rude behavior the other day. It was unacceptable and I'm really sorry." She's trying to look contrite but comes off as constipated.

I'm shocked. I stutter my response, "I, ah, thank you. That's really nice of you to do that."

She puts on a sad smile and sighs. "I know you understand as a woman, we like to wear nice dresses for our men. But two hundred dollars for the dress I bought was probably overkill." she laughs and places a hand on her cheek. "I honestly don't know what I was thinking. My husband works across the street and that dress was a bit expensive. He didn't even look at it twice."

"Whose your husband ?" I asked

"Carmine Lopez." She said

What the hell. Did she just say she was Carmine's wife?

I take a closer look at her. She can fake sweet pretty good. She is thin, a little taller than me and maybe a year or two older. Her short beach blond is straight. Her eyes are blue and ice cold.

She- Devil sighs hard and musters up the sweetest voice she can and tells me, "It would be a huge help if you can take the dress off my hands. I made a huge mistake and I promise I'll never do it again." She sounds like a four year old. "My husband is really mad at me. I really need that money back."

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