My Hero chapter 29

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Bianca's POV

The minute I woke up I knew I was going to be tied to a chair and I was tied to one in a warehouse too. How cliche of them I thought as I rolled my eyes. I looked around and seen the place was full of boxes and crates, there weren't many windows and the few that I seen were so high up that you would need a ladder to climb just to see outside. I tried wiggling my arms out of the ropes but they were just too tight and I felt the burn of them on my skin. My feet were also tied to the legs of the chair but the ropes were a bit looser so, I wiggled my feet a few times until the ropes fell off.
I squealed in excitement, silently of course. Wouldn't want anyone hearing me now. I looked around until I seen a table that had a few things on it, I dragged the chair silently and slowly across the floor until I got to the table. There were pens, pencils, a ruler, letter opener, and a box cutter. I turned myself and the chair around and moved closer to the table and felt around for the box cutter, once it was in my hand I opened it and cut through the ropes. After a few minutes my hands were finally free, a bit raw but free at least. I threw the ropes on the floor and ran around the warehouse trying to find a door that wasn't locked. I almost tripped because of my costume so I took it off and threw it off to the side, it's a good thing I had my tights and tank top on underneath. I took my hair out of its bun and tied it into a ponytail , if I was going to fight for my life there was no way I was letting anything get in my way. I looked around one more time for another exit and that's when I spotted the hidden door behind a bunch of crates. I smiled in relief and ran towards it and just as I was about to turn the knob, the door swung open lo and behold the devil himself was standing there with a fucking grin on his face.

"Did you really think you can escape without anyone noticing, Bianca?"

"You better let me go, Shawn or I'm going to cut the skin off of you." I told him

"With what? The flimsy box cutter that you're trying to hide behind your back?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yes as a matter of fact I was thinking of using this on you're ugly face. You never know it just might make you more handsome" I said with a smirk.

"This face got you, didn't it? It got me between those legs of yours"

"Fuck you!" I yelled

"No, baby. I don't want that fucking Mexicans sloppy seconds." He said with a look of disgust on his face.

"You racist prick. First of all he ain't Mexican and second of all even if he was he's a better man than you ever were, then you'll ever be."

"I highly doubt that. Now would you please drop that weapon of yours before I have to hurt you."

"Over my dead body. If you had any balls, you would come over here and grab it from me or do you need your little "Henchmen" to do all your dirty work for you."

"Sweetheart I can break you in half, just like that" he said snapping his fingers. "I wouldn't need anyone's help for that" he said with a smirk

I opened the box cutter behind my back, lifted my arm and ran towards him wanting to stab him in the neck but he grabbed my arm and twisted it causing me to drop the cutter. I yelled out in pain while he just laughed. God I fucking hated him.
He grabbed my hair and pulled it back hard making me whimper in pain. He still had my arm twisted behind my back, he pulled my head back, making sure I was looking at him now.
He moved his face closer to mine,

"I told you sweetheart that I didn't need men to tame you" He moved his mouth to the side of my neck and licked it. "You still taste as sweet as ever. I wonder if you still taste the same in other places." he said looking at me with a cruel smile.

My body shivered with disgust at what he was implying.

"Did my words turn you on" He asked noticing my shiver

"No! They disgusted me you, Asshole." I said

He moved closer so I spit in his face causing him to release me for a second and a second is all I needed to try to escape through the open door, but a second sadly wasn't enough because he grabbed me by the hair again and threw me across the floor.

"You stupid bitch" he yelled as he came close to me and smacked me across the face.

I was about to spit in his face again until I heard my angels voice.


I sat up and turned towards her voice, there she was standing in the doorway still dressed in her costume. I started to cry the moment I saw her. She ran to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me really tight. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her just as tight kissing her over and over again.

"Are you ok, Jasmine? Did these monsters hurt you?"

"No, mommy they didn't hurt me. They give me cookies and milk, they said if I be a good girl then they will let me see you. Are you ok, mommy? Your face is red and your hair is messy." she said trying to fix my hair

I just laughed and hugged her. "I'm fine, baby. I'm just happy your not hurt."

"I want to go home" She told me with a pout

"Me too, baby. I promise to try to do my best to get us out of here." I whispered to her

"I love you, mommy"

"Take the girl and get out" Said Shawn

"No please leave her with me, please don't take her away from me again" I cried

" I want my mommy, I want my mommy!" Cried jazzy

I held on tightly to her so they wouldn't take her, but they pulled her away from me. I grabbed her hand the same time she grabbed mines. We were both crying,

"Mommy! Mommy! I love you! Please help me!"

"Please, please leave her alone. I want my baby! I love you, Jazzy. Mommy will find you"

"Mommy! Mommy!" her crying voice echoing down the hall

I sat there on my knees and just started crying for my daughter and her pain. I felt so helpless and useless at that moment, I didn't know what to do now. All I can see and hear are my daughters cry of help.

"Ahhh is Bianca crying for her bastard child?" He asked laughing

"God, did I mention how much I fucking hate you?" I asked vehemently


I want to thank everyone that stayed reading my story even though it takes me a while to update now. I really appreciate it.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

You guys r the best!!!

Thanks for reading!

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