My Hero chapter 9

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Bianca's POV

After leaving my number and E mail address, I left Carmine's office and went to meet Rusty, Tina and Rosie at the club. The line was really long but Rusty told me to go up to the bouncer and tell him my name since he put it on the list. I walked up to the bouncer and said,

"Hi, I'm Bianca."

"Ok, back of the line." He said in a gruff voice.

"My name is on the list."

He looked down at the clipboard in his hands, "Yeah ok, you're on here. Go on in." He said lifting the red rope.

I smiled at him. "Thank you."

Miracle of all miracles he smiled back. I walked inside the hall and there are another set of double doors. I push the double doors open and my jaw drops. My ears are assaulted by loud R-N-B music which fades into pop music. The club is really nice. There are booths all around the edges of the huge room, there isn't a spare seat in sight. You have to walk down three or four steps to get to the dance floor, which is full. The outer rim of the room is higher than the dance floor. The dance floor is tiled purple and black. I walk towards the bar after seeing Rusty and the girls there.

I'm dumbstruck by how awesome this place is. There are waitresses walking back and forth from the booths to the bar and they're all wearing costumes. They are wearing a short black and purple pinafore dress with short laced sleeves, thigh high purple lace stockings with garters, and three inch black maryjane heels. They also wear short black wigs with a small tall mad hatter hat atop their heads, false eyelashes, pale makeup, and bright red lips.

Get it?!!

The Mad Hatter is an Alice in Wonderland themed club!! So freaking Awesome!

"I really like this place!" I yell to Rusty who bursts out laughing.

Rusty offers " Bee, you haven't even seen the VIP area yet."

"And you have?" I asked

"Yes, I have honey. Two of my friends own this club and I'm a VIP for life."

"Really? That's awesome!"

I'm suddenly giddy. I take a look around. All the walls are painted purple, this has been done artistically and the artist has mixed white through the purple in a swirly pattern. There is a huge bronze Mad Hatter statue by the bar, people are gathering around it and taking photos with it.

Rusty leads us to a staircase and we climb up. As soon as we reach the top, an Asian Mad Hatter smiles at us and says,

"Good evening, do you have a VIP booth reserved?"

"Yeah, it's under Rusty. These are my guests."

The waitress smiles. "Of course, please come through."

We follow her to one of the bigger booths, it can at least seat ten people and I'm confused as to why she would give us this one when there are only four of us. The girls, Rusty, and I take a seat. They order cherry bombs and I order a root beer since I don't drink alcohol. I look around while we wait. Rusty is right, the VIP is nicer than downstairs. The booths are white soft leather with purple buttons down the sides. Every booth has their own waitress and the music is not as loud up here so you can talk to each other without yelling.

"This place rocks!!" Yells Tina.

"Yeah, this is the best nightclub out there so far." Says Rosie.

"I didn't know your friends own this club." Said Tina

"That's because you never asked." He said with a wink.

"There are a lot of haters outside in that line." Said Rosie.

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