My Hero chapter 18

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The nurses come in after a while and start checking all the machines, poking around my body, changing the bandages on my head and applying some ointment to my right eye. A doctor that looks like he is well past retirement come in next and attempts to kick everyone out of the room so he can discuss my injuries but Rusty, and Carmine put their foot down refusing to leave the room. The fight would be just a waste of time, so I just shook my head and waited for the doctor to go over everything.

"Ms. Jones," he begins, looking over at Carmine and Rusty with worry. He must think that one or both of them are the reason for my injuries. "How are you feeling?"

Even though I know it's gonna hurt like a bitch, I can't hold back my laugh that bubbles up.

"Like I was hit by a bus, thrown a few feet, then run over by a train."

"Well, this is no joking matter, Ms Jones. I understand that you had a problem yesterday?"

"Um..yes. Yes, doctor. My ex-boyfriend."

"Right. I'm going to let you go home this afternoon. I was promised by your friends that you will be taken care of and they will return you to the emergency room with ant signs of concern. They have a list of what to watch out for. You need to keep your head dry for the next two days. After washing your hair, dry as best as you can. Your back needs ointment applied every four hours. Keep the open wounds covered and watch out for signs of infection. I've given them all the prescriptions for your home care. Antibiotics, as well as some pain killers. Do you have any questions?" obviously grandpa here doesn't specialize in bedside cheer.

"No, Sir."

"Mr. Rusty has already signed all of your discharge papers. Try to be more careful in the future, Ms. Jones." That earns a growl from both Carmine and Rusty. I give them the stink eye to make sure they keep their mouths shut.

Three hours later, I am being wheeled out to the entrance and loaded up into Carmine's S.U.V. Tina and Rosie left to get my medication filled. Nick and Rusty climb into the back and we drive off, away from the disgusting smell of death.

"Where's Jazzy?" I ask

"We left her with Mrs. Henderson." Answered Rusty

"Where did you tell her I was?"

"I told her you were at the doctors because you have a tummy ache. She's going to make you a get well mommy card"

"My Angel. I'm just happy Shawn didn't go after her."

"We're looking for that Asshole, Bee. He's going to wish he never put his hands on you once we kill that bastard." Said Rusty.

"He threatened to kill you guys if I told anyone it was him that did this to me. I wasn't going to say anything but then I figured why the hell should I keep running from him. He doesn't own me, I'm not going to keep running scared because of him."

"Don't worry,honey. He's not going to harm any of us. I wish he would try to do us bodily harm because it will give me an excuse to kill him." Said Carmine. His knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel.

I put my hand on his arm telling him to relax. He looked at me giving me a small smile.

The next few weeks were the slowest weeks of my life. I couldn't move around as much as I wanted. Rusty, Carmine and the girls were always around trying to help me and making sure I wasn't hurting myself. Tina and Rosie would open up and close the store for me, then they'll come over to check up on me. Rusty stayed home with me for a week, then he had to go back to work but he'll call me like every hour to make sure jazzy and me are ok. Carmine stayed with me after Rusty went back to work. He would rub ointment on my back for me, every time he touches me my heart would beat faster and my body would be on fire from his touch.
Carmine and Jazzy became closer, she would get excited every time she'd see him. Her face would light up from how happy she is. Carmine was wrapped around her little finger, he would do whatever she says. He can't and won't say no to her no matter what she wants to do. She even had him try on her tutu and twirl around like a ballerina. I laughed so hard at them and took a picture with my phone secretly. I realized that I have fallen in love with him. That bastard snuck his way into my heart and I'm ok with that.
A week after that My bruises have faded, I can move around a lot more without any pain, my back is almost healed. I was almost as good as new. Carmine installed security cameras in and around the store. He wanted to keep watch just in case Shawn came back.

"How are you feeling today, Babe?" Asked Carmine

I looked up from where I was sitting and smiled,

"I'm feeling just fine, Carmine."

"You want me to get you anything?" He asked before sitting down beside me.

"No, thank you"

He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. I put my head on his shoulders.

"What are we doing, Carmine?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what are we doing, what are we?"

"Aren't we friends?" He whispered

"Is that all? Just friends? You don't feel what's going on between us?" I asked looking up at him.

"I do but I'm afraid if we take it to the next level and something goes wrong between us, then I'm afraid we'll lose the friendship we have."

"What if something doesn't go wrong and our relationship goes farther? Aren't you willing to take that chance?" I asked.

He didn't answer for a few minutes then he finally whispered,


"Okay, what ?"

"I'm willing to take that chance. Bianca, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes.

Instead of answering him, I kissed him instead.

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