My Hero chapter 15

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The next few weeks have been more hectic then ever with the store business getting more busier and I've been getting even more hateful emails from Shawn. I've been having this insane feeling that I'm being watched. The hair on the back of my neck neck and arms lift whenever I have that feeling of being watched, but when I look around me I don't see anyone or anything suspicious.
I've been carrying a pocket knife and pepper spray around with me in my purse for extra protection. It makes me feel a bit more protected. I haven't told anyone about the emails and suspicion I've been having because I didn't want them getting involved in my problems with the Ames family. I haven't seen much of the guys since they came over on that Sunday for lunch.
Everyone has been really busy with their jobs.

(Flashback to Sunday dinner)

"Rusty, get your ass over here and help me roll out the dough for the biscuits." I yelled from the kitchen

"Bee, the game is about to start in half an hour." whined Rusty

"Then that will give you plenty of time to help me here in the kitchen."

He got off the couch, washed his hands, and helped me make the biscuits.

"I should take a picture of you and message it to all Your firemen friends."

"No. You wouldn't dare." He said looking at me making sure I wasn't holding my cellphone.

I laughed at him and gave him my best "try me" look.

"I thought you were innocent, but they say it's the innocent ones you have to keep an eye on."
Said Rusty

"Yes, that's true. We're silent but deadly. Never forget that, hon" I said.

Ten minutes later the bell rang. I answered it and seen all the guys standing there looking gorgeous. It's like I had my own firemen calendar shoot going on in here.

"Hey, Bianca!" They all greeted at once.

"Hey, guys. Come on in." each one kissed my cheek as they walked in. Each one was holding a bag of something.

The last people to greet me were Carmine, Nick, and Cecily. I kneeled down to Cecily's height.

"Hi, I'm Bianca and what's your name sweetie?"

"My name is Cecily." She said shyly.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I say smiling at her.

Cecily is a very beautiful girl. black hair and brown eyes with Nicks skin complexion and a radiant smile that lights up her face. I stand up and move away from the door to let them in.

"Come on in."

They both kiss my cheek before coming in.

"Make yourselves comfortable. Cecily, would you like to meet my daughter, Jasmine?"

She looks at Nick for permission. He smiles and nods his head ok. Cecily looks at me

"yes, please." She takes hold of my hand and i take her to the bedroom that Jazzy is playing in. I open the door and see Jasmine playing with her dolls.

"Who this, Mommy?" She asks getting up from the floor and coming towards us.

"Baby, this is Cecily. I want you to be nice to her and let her play with all of your toys."

"Ok, mommy" She grabs Cecily's hand and takes her to her toy chest to show her the rest of her toys. I left the room leaving the door a bit open, so I can hear and keep an eye on them.

I went into the kitchen to check on the food. I made lemon chicken in the oven, some rice that i mixed with ground beef and nuts as a side dish. Biscuits, mashed potatoes, american salad, pasta salad, and corn on the cob.
I made chocolate mousse pie, red velvet cookies, and mini cupcakes for the girls.

"Do you need any help?" Asked Carmine

" You can help me set the table" I said

"Ok." I reach up to take the plates out of the cabinets. I turn around to catch him staring at my ass.

"You can stare at my ass later, Carmine." I tell him as I hand him the plates.

He just smirks at me, not sorry at all that he just got caught checking out my ass.

"Hi, everybody." I hear Jazzy tell everyone in the living room. No one heard her because of how loud the t.v is.

"I say Hi." She yells again. Still no response from our guests. Jazzy scowled at them. My baby hates being ignored so she pulled the plug out of the wall.


"What the hell?"

"What happened?"

"Rusty, did you pay the bill?" everyone yelled at once.

Jazzy giggled and held up the plug. "I say hi everyone. Nobody listen to me."

"We're sorry, honey. We didn't hear you." Said Rusty.

They all passed her around after hugging and kissing her hello. Rusty put the plug back in after Jazzy and Cecily went back into the room. I laughed at how the men just got played by a 3 year old.

"Your daughter is one smart little girl. She just made everyone in this room take notice of her."

"Yea, she is one tough cookie." I said smiling.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Everybody laughing and joking around. The girls even gave a few of the guys makeovers. Little lipstick and eye shadow.

"You're one sexy lady, Carlos." Joked the men

"He'll yeah, man. Your just realizing that?" He joked.

We all laughed at the playful banter going on between the men. By eight everyone left after thanking us for lunch.

The girls hugged each other and didn't want to let go.

"No, Ba Ba I want to stay and play with jasmine some more." said Cecily.

"Me too, mama. I want cessy to stay."

"Cecily, we'll see them again soon. We have to go home now."

"No,no. I want to stay" She said pouting

"How about I take you and Jasmine for some ice cream one day. If that's ok with your daddy.
What do you say?"

"Can she Ba Ba?

"Yes, baby that's fine. She'll call me to let me know when she's coming. Okay?"

"Okay" Said Cecily excitedly

(flashback over)

I park my car as I reach hope's. I noticed something funny as I opened the front door, it takes my mind a second to register who is standing in my store. When i do, my first reaction is to shut the door and run away but before I can move away Or scream. He reaches out and pulls me inside, closes the door, and pushes me back. My back meets the frame of the door, hard, causing me to let out a small grunt of pain. He closes his hand around my neck and squeezes, cutting off my air supply and keeping my cries of help from escaping.

"Hello, Bianca. You think you can get rid of me that easily? Think again, Bitch."


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