"Ty Lee. She doesn't look dangerous, but she knows the human body and it's weak points. It's like she takes you down from the inside."

an idea suddenly hits Sokka and he begins gesturing wildly"Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!"


"What you just said, that's how we're gonna take down the Drill. The same way Ty Lee took down all these big earthbenders." Sokka says

"By hitting its pressure points!" Toph sums up

"We'll take it down from the inside."

The Drill's inner corridors, where Sokka leads the others through a red-lit area of pipes and valves.

"I need a plan of this machine. Some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find it's weak points." Sokka says looking around

"Where are we gonna get something like that" Katzumi abruptly draws and lifts up her legs and bust off steam valve "What are you doing! Someone's gonna hear us!" Aang exclaimes

Aang looks about worriedly as the room begins to fill with steam.

"That's the point. Fire nations machines needs engineers to run it, and when something breaks..." Katzumi trails off

"They come to fix it." The siblings yell

Moments later, a large Fire Nation engineer in a filter mask appears through the steam holding a large wrench and a rolled up document.

"Hi." Katara appears behind him

Katara bends the steam, condensing it into an icy shell that entraps the engineer.

"This'll work, thanks!" Sokka takes the map from his hand and runs

Sokka leads the others up metal stairs, stopping to unroll the plans across a large pipe.

"It looks like the Drill is made up of two main structures. There's the inner mechanism, where we are now, and the outer shell. The inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces. If we cut through them, the entire thing will collapse."

Sokka leads the others out a doorway and onto a massive steel beam.

"Wow, it looks a lot thicker in person than it does in the plans. We're going to have to work pretty hard to cut through that." Sokka looks at the beam

"What's this we stuff? We are going to have to do all the work."Katara points to the three beneders

"Look, I'm the plan guy, You two" He makes rapid chop-chop gestures "are the "cut stuff up with waterbending and firebending guys. Together, we're Team Avatar!"

Katzumi goes to one beam and begins applying massive fire at the bottom of the beam, Clearly trying to melt it off.

Katara bending the water out of her flask, sending it to ring against the edge of a vertical beam before being caught by Aang, who bends it back towards her along the same path

Katzumi stops a bit painting before going back and adding more fire, but less pressure.

Katara and Aang also bend down gasping with exhaustion.

"C'mon team, don't quit now, we're... " Sokka trails off

"Grrrrrr!" Katara shoots a menacing glare back at Sokka, who stands wide-eyed, arms still in air

"I mean, you're almost there."

The two of them resume slicing away at the girder little by little. Sokka watches on, an eager look of anticipation growing on his face. Finally the beam is cut completely in two, and the upper section grinds down the angled cut a few inches before screeching to a halt. While Katzumi is halfway done with hers

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