Chapter 19

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 Vanessa’s POV

“Will that be all sir?” The flirty cashier bated her, what seemed to be, fake eyelashes from behind the counter.

“Yup.” I nodded paying no attention to her useless attempts at flirting. I expected her to say something else so I could leave but instead she just seemed to stare at me. Ok this has gone on for too long.... “Bye...” I said awkwardly, turning on my heal as fast as I could with my donuts in one hand and ice coffee in the other. Although I didn’t make it to the door, I was stopped abruptly by a pale hand resting on my arm. I looked down at the hand and narrowed my eyes. The hand that belonged to the girl quickly recoiled and retreated to her lips. She blushed and chewed her nail slightly.  

“Yes?” I asked impatiently. Her hand dropped from her mouth down to the front pocket of her jeans. She fished out a small wrinkled piece of paper and slid it across the table. Is this a joke....I looked at the paper like it would suddenly get up and walk away. 

“In case you ever get....lonely.” She bit her lip seductively. I cringed slightly and picked up the paper hesitantly. I shoved it into my pocket and with that, turned for the door as quick as I could. 

Just as I was walking out the door I hear her shout “Call me!!!” I shook my head disgusted and speed walked down the sidewalk. Of course if this where Harry he would have no problem snatching up the number.

 Being known for that “manwhore” rep sure has its disadvantages. Every time I even look at a girl the fans seem to go nuts. Although I’ve pretty much shut myself out of the social network world for now. I don’t really have much to say, especially after that little note Harry decided to post on my twitter that night in the hospital. “I am a Virgin.” Good old Harry causing a hell of a lot of problems for me. But just like anything stupid he does, which is everything, I ignore it. 

“I hate this I hate this I hate this...” I mumbled to myself repeatedly as I ducked my head low trying to avoid any girl contact on the street. In doing so, I ended up bumping into something...or someone?

“Oh I’m so sorry!” I steadied the small old lady that was wobbling in front of me. She shook her head, getting herself back on track and looked up to smile. Her wrinkled toothless smile wasn’t exactly the most attractive I’ve ever seen, but any smile is worth a little happiness. I smiled back politely. I was raised to always respect my elders, so thats exactly what I’m doing.

“Well, I should be going.” I said sweetly. She kept up the smile and nodded. Just as she was moving around me to continue her walking I heard her mumble something.

“What a nice girl...” I did a quick double take and looked after her.

“I’m sorry miss, did I just hear you call me a girl?” I asked politely. She turned around slowly and sized me up. Then her smile went even wider as she gave me a small nod.

“Pretty too! Lovely auburn hair you have, reminds me off my own daughters.” She said as if she where caught up in a daydream. I looked at her incredulously. Was this lady serious? I turned my head to the shop next to me, which happened to have a reflective tinted window in the front for me to look in. 

Nope, same old Harry. I scrunched up my face confused. Just as I was about to ask the lady if she had lost her marbles, she was gone. I spun around in a circle looking around the street. What the hell just happened? My phone suddenly gave a loud obnoxious ring causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I squealed slightly but when a group of guys walked by and snickered I quickly cleared my throat and fished for my phone.

“Yes...” I said still half confused.

“Where are you?” 

“Hello to you too Lou.” I said lazily.

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