Chapter 18

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Louis’s POV

“You didn’t notice it?!” Zayn asked incredulously. I shook my head. What was there to notice? So her eyes looked a little green, big deal. Sometime’s my eyes look almost hazel, probably just the lighting anyway. I honestly don’t get why he’s freaking out over this, there are more important things to be worrying about. Like, I don’t know, our concert which happens to be taking place in one of the largest arena’s in America tomorrow.

“Lou her eyes where clearly green for a second, and I know you saw it.” He pressed on. I sighed and sank back deeper into the soft couch. 

“Yes, I noticed it Zayn. It could have been the lighting or something though. Chill.” I picked up the game controller and turned on the X-Box yet again. There really wasn’t much to do on this bus. Niall was in the kitchen, no surprise there. Liam was messing about with the football outside, and I’m not exactly sure where Harry is, said something about taking a drive,probably scouting for them hot Californian girls.

“It couldn’t have been the lighting.” Zayn reasoned.

“Why so?” I asked lazily with my main focus on the game in front of me.

“Because the sun is behind us right now and it wasn’t like that seconds before!! Her eyes where straight up GREEN!” 

“And my eyes are straight up BLUE!” I challenged pressing buttons frantically on my controller. Damn this game... “And even if it was green all of a sudden, so what?” 

I could see him staring at me like I was an idiot from the corner of my eye. “Louis, don’t you find that a little odd?” I shrugged. “Not even in the slightest?” I huffed and paused the game chucking my controller onto the table. I was getting real fed up with his paranoia.

“Listen Zayn.” I turned around to face him in all seriousness. “You really need to just stop overanalyzing this. If her eyes where green, so be it. Things happen for unknown reasons. This really isn’t that big of a deal.” He bit his lip and starred at the coffee table, deep in thought.

“Well, that wasn’t the first time I saw it happen. I’ve seen it happen other times before. At first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me but now I see it again...Plus haven’t you noticed strange, she’s been acting lately?” He leaned over slightly to look down the bus hesitantly. Then he turned back to me and spoke in a more hushed tone.  “And I’ve been thinking lately, its not just Vanessa who’s been acting strange. Have you noticed Harry at all? Its like whenever they are together I feel like they are sending one another secret glances....And what was up with them earlier? Vanessa sucks at video games!” He ranted. I never really thought about it...I mean yeah they have been acting a little weird lately, especially Vanessa. I haven’t exactly had a proper sit down with her since the accident. Normally we always would arrange a time every day just for each other...but I’ve been so busy myself I hadn’t noticed. Yet again we where all busy with the tour and album anyway.

“Maybe so, but I still think you’re over analyzing this man.” I reached for the controller again, but Zayn’s hand stopped me. He looked me straight in the eyes.

“There is something going on with them and you know it. If you won’t come to terms with that then thats on you, but I intend to find out what.” He said gravely, then let go of my hand. I watched as he left the room questioningly. I cocked my head slightly and sat back forgetting about my game. 

Come to think of it....they do seem very strange and the more that I think about it, the stranger it seems. I can’t remember the last time Harry and Vanessa actually acted civil towards one another ever since their little falling out...and little was an understatement. Yet all of a sudden they’re acting as if none of that happened. Then a thought occurred to me...

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