Chapter 8

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Harry’s POV

“Nessa?” There was a soft knock on my room’s door. “You awake?” I groaned as the door creaked open and buried my face in my pillow.

I had snuck back over to my room around 5:30am nearly getting caught by that annoying old nurse. Vanessa and I had spent most of the night exchanging information. Everything from family and friends, right down to the very lovely details concerning personal hygiene. We also made sure to study each others gestures, perfecting them. We also gave each other important numbers, but decided it was best to trade off phones, so she would have mine and I would have hers. If we were going to be one another, it has to look believable. Of course we were missing one key factor...the music. 

“Hey Ness!” I heard Niall say as he poked my shoulder. “ WAKE UP WOMAN I BROUGHT BREAKFAST!” he yelled in my ear. I yelped and sat upright.

“NIALL! COULD YOU NOT HAVE WAITED TILL I HAD WOKEN UP!!?” I looked over at the clock “ITS ONLY 8:30!!” I yelled. He backed away taken back from my yelling.

“Sorry Ness...I just thought it would cheer you up...Besides, I thought you liked how I brought breakfast for you every morning...” He looked at the ground shuffling his feet.

Crap I forgot how much of a sweetheart Vanessa is to the rest of the boys. I sighed.

“Look, I’m sorry Nialler. I shouldn’t have yelled....I’m feeling a because of everything that has happened. Excuse me if I do anything that seems out of character.” He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and shrugged. 

“Nah its ok! You need to rest anyway. I was just so worried about you that I guess I just needed to see you were alright myself.” He grinned then looked at his hands, which were clutching two big bags of McDonnell's. “You really gave me a scare back there Vanessa...I thought I lost you...” 

“Aww Niall! Well I’m here now! Perfectly fine!” I patted my chest then winced at the pain it brought. Ok note to self, don’t pat the breasts.

“I’m glad.” He said looking up and smiling.

“Yeah, Yeah! Now watcha got there? I’m suddenly feeling a bit hungry.” I smirked. He nudged me over so he could lay down on the other side of the bed with me and dug inside the bags. 

“What are ya hungry for madam? I’ve got eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes...” He trailed off.

“So Basically the whole store?” 

“But of course! What kind of celebration breakfast would this be without a proper feast!?” He beamed. I shoved him lightly and began to pick at the contents in the bag. 

I settled on the pancakes and began to vacuum it up. A few times I had to remind myself to act “ladylike.” When I was done I dropped the plastic fork and leaned back with my hands behind my head letting out a loud belch. Its a bodily function. You can’t help those things.

“Jeez...That was fast.” Niall said around a mouthful of...there were too many different foods in there to tell. 

“Chew with your mouth closed Hun.” I reached over and shut his mouth.

“Thanks Mum” 


“I think you should stick with MuffinCakes.” He grinned and I nodded. “Hey Nessa?” He turning to me with an unsure look.


“Um...well I was just wondering...of course you may not even remember...but..what was it like?” He asked.

When Two Worlds Collide (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant