Chapter 13

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Vanessa's POV

I punched Harry in the arm.

“Rise in shine Sunshine we’re here.” I said sweetly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

“Bitch...” He mumbled then got out of the car. Zayn gave me a warning glare then hopped out behind him. I rolled my eyes, but inside I was dying to be with him again. Even though Harry is a guy, I still always feel a hint of jealousy whenever I see them all close. I just can’t help it, I want to be back in his arms and not stuck with Harry’s. I tried to push those thoughts away. If I keep thinking like that it will only make matters worse. I sighed and pushed open the entrance door avoiding the fans, I was in no mood to talk to anybody. Right now, I had a job to do. I joined everyone else waiting for the elevators in the lobby.

“Hey Haz?” I looked up at the sound of Harry's name.

“El, Liam, Dani and I were goin out for Lunch before the show. Care to join?”  Louis asked. I shook my head.

“I think I’m gunna sit this one out, sorry Lou. A bit tired.” I gave him a nice smile and he shrugged, but understood. The elevator doors opened and we all piled in.

“What about any of you?” He motioned to Niall, Zayn, and Harry.

“Nah! I’d feel a bit being the only single one and all. I'm just gunna chill at the pool or somethin.” Niall said.

“You two?” 

“What you think Vanessa? Up for it?” Zayn whispered in his ear. I gave Harry a warning look. The show was tonight and I still needed help with the music, and he defiantly needed help with mine. This is the only chance we have to rehearse so he better not screw this up.

“Sure why not, don’t have anything better to do anyway.” Harry grinned. I glared at him.

“Good. So why don’t we leave in like 10 minutes I gotta get something from my room.” They all nodded. The doors opened and I stomped after Harry who had already made it to my room, or rather his room now.

“Um...Haz?” I turned around to Louis in confusion. “Our rooms this way buddy...” 

“Oh...right...I know, but I gotta talk to Vanessa real quick if thats alright?” Lou gave me a strange look but nodded. I knocked on my old room’s door and waited for a response. An overly happy Hazza answered.

“HELLO!!!” He yelled

“What the hell is wrong with you? We have a show tonight and I barley know your music!!!” I looked him sternly in the eyes.

“Calm down! You think one afternoon will help?” He said lazily.

“Its better then nothing Styles. Do you care at all about your career? Or better yet, mine?” I challenged

“Of course I do! I just don’t think that--”

“Then get your shit together and meet me in my room as soon as everyone leaves.” Without waiting for his response I spun around and headed down the hall, back to my room.

“What am I supposed to tell Zayn?! and Lou!?” He called after me.

“You’ve got a brain, use it!!” I replied. I heard him sigh in frustration then slam the door behind him. I smirked and opened up my own door.

I gasped. “What the hell is this!? I can’t even see the floor!!” There were clothes everywhere. The beds were messed up and pillows and blankets were thrown about. There was an unfinished pizza box on one of the beds and plastic cups all over the other.

When Two Worlds Collide (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora