Chapter 14

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Harry’s POV

“I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” Vanessa was pacing her dressing room nervously while I was calmly slumped against the wall. This girl really needs to get a grip. I honestly don’t see the problem here, if she messes up, which I highly doubt, then people will just assume I’m having an off day or something. She forgets that we are in the same body, with the same voices and all. Know one’s going to notice the differance. Its really me who should be a nervous wreck right now.

 Am I nervous? Of course I am! I don’t want to be the one responsible for messing up someone’s career in front of all those people, especially if you have special feelings for that someone. That would devistate Vanessa and I know how hard she has been working for this. She deserves to be recognized with all the talent she has and if I mess up...its all my fault.

 I swallowed all those thoughts knowing that thinking about it would only make me even more upset. Its not like I’m going to make her any more nervous by freaking out over it like she is. The only thing we can do is grin and bare it and sing our hearts out the best we can. 

Vanessa was still rambling on and pacing the room, making me uneasy. 

“Oh my god they will see right threw us Harry what are we going to do? I don’t wan’t to get bra’s and carrots thrown at me! I’m not masculine enough for that, I am a feminine female!!” She stopped pacing to face me as a sudden thought seemed to have hit her. “Harry what if they see right through me!? What if I mess up!??! What if YOU mess up!? This is insane! We should just call it quits right now we can’t possibly pull this off and besi--” I couldn’t take this rambling anymore! So...I did the only thing that would bring her back to her senses. 

She staggered back surprised. “DID YOU JUST SLAP ME?!” She screeched clutching the cheek that I had just bitch smacked. I shrugged casually.

“Your being ridiculous!” I moved closer to put a hand on her shoulder steadying her. “Everything will be fine. You will perform like you would your own performance and I will perform like I would with my own performance. Know one’s going to suspect a thing! Just remember all that we have learned ok?” I looked her straight in the face. I saw a glimpse of her real self behind her scarred eyes. It pains me to see her so scarred and knowing that I couldn’t help her was even worse. Yet again I wouldn’t be able to help her in my own body anyway. Its not like she would have even considered talking to me before this whole incident anyway, but I know I deserved it. No matter how many times I try to move on, with the one night stands and quick relationships, I never can get her out of my mind. The worst of it is that she left me for Zayn because I wasn’t man enough to chase after her.  It doesn’t matter now anyway, they’re perfect for each other. Even though the thought of them makes me want to gag, the best I could do, as a friend, is to support them. As long as she’s happy, I should be happy....right?  

I expected her to try and debate with me about all the things that could possibly go wrong tonight, but instead, she flung her arms around my neck and squeezed tight. I stumbled back from the weight of her but Vanessa was surprisingly very strong. I rubbed circles into her back as I felt a couple drops of something wet hit my neck. 

“I-I just want to be back in my own body Harry.” She whispered softly. 

“Me too Nessa, but we gotta keep up the act. Just until we can figure this out.” I pulled back to wipe the tears from her face with my thumb. She locked eyes with me.

“Can you promise me we will get back to normal.” There was something about the way she was looking at me that made me nod. I couldn’t say no now could I? Especially at a time like this. Speaking of time...we have a tour in less than 30 minutes. I lifted up Vanessa’s chin so she was looking at me again. 

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