Chapter 5

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The limo ride went by like usual, lots of laughing, shouting, cursing, nothing new. Although, I was surprised to see Harry so quite the whole ride. Well, if he wants to play that game then by all means, play on. When we got to the venue, it was starting to drizzle. I was the last out of the Limo so I shut the door behind me. Zayn took my hand and we walked down the sidewalk with the other boys horsing around in front of us. The paps and fans where crowded around the venue, restrained by mini metal fences. They where calling our names and throwing ridiculous questions at us as we got closer. The rest of the boys quickly made there way inside, but I couldn’t help but want to talk to the fans. I let go of Zayn’s hand and walked over to where the fans were being held back. 

“Hey guys!” I said as they went wild. 

“Its beginning to rain harder, you all should probably go home...” I said genuinely concerned. 

“NO WAY! ITS CALLED DEDICATION!” One girl yelled as the others cheered.

I chuckled. “Alright, but be safe! I feel like the storms going to get worse.” 

“She’s right guys.” Zayn said taking my hand again. 

“OH MY GOD ITS ZAYN!” The fans all screamed and shouted at him.

“Come on love, lets go.” He whispered in my ear. I gave a warm smile to the fans and we both waved. He then guided me towards the entrance. 

The venue was huge. It resembled a night club with the dim lights, lit up cocktail bar, and obnoxiously loud music. I never was big on parties myself. I would rather stay at home and read a book to tell you the truth, but I always had a good time when I was with the boys anyway. There was already a massive amount of people here surprisingly. When we where all here everyone began to cheer and clap for us, mainly the boys. They where about to enter their first Headline Tour in the U.S, and I couldn’t be prouder, I was just here to enjoy the ride for now. 

“Boys!” Someone had shouted over the music. I looked over to see Simon waving us over. 

“SIMOOONN!” the boys yelled and ran over to him, practically tackling him with hugs. He chuckled. 

“Hello to you all as well! How is everyone?” I heard some goods, greats, fantastics, and one could be better. You could guess were that one came from. 

“And how are you my dear?” Simon said turning to me.

“I’m Great!! I just want to thank you again for this opportunity. I am eternally grateful” I said with a giant smile on my face.

“Well you deserved it. You have a wonderful voice.” I blushed.

“Now Boys.” He said turning his attention back to the boys. “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you all. I’ve watched you all grow since day one and Its been an absolute pleasure. I know the tour is going to be a big success! You already have half of it sold out.” We all cheered. “But, its important to keep your heads screwed on right and keep focused. Just because we’ve sold thousands of tickets doesn’t mean you need to slack off. In fact, you all should be working extra hard to keep up a good show. Understand?” They boys all nodded. “Good. Now go have fun, and try not to get too drunk.” The boys all laughed.

“No promises” Harry said. Then stalked off to some red head. Creep.

“Lets Dance!” I pulled on Zayns hand and dragged him to the dance floor. He grabbed my waist and moved his hips with mine. 

“I’m not much of a dancer...” Zayn said in my ear.

“Oh I know!” I giggled.

“Whats that supposed to mean?” 

When Two Worlds Collide (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon