Chapter 3

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The car ride home was completely silent. Not even Louis dared to mention what had happened back there. I hadn’t made any contact with Zayn since. I glanced to the side to see his facial expression, but it was blank. No surprise there. Out of all the boys in the group he was the best at hiding his emotions. I sighed and closed my eyes, allowing my head to droop onto Louis’s shoulder. 

“Don’t worry love, everything will be fine, you did what you had to do.” He whispered just loud enough for only me to hear. I nodded once. Louis was the only one that knew what had happened between me and Harry. The three of us agreed to keep it a secret from the rest of the boys and the public. If it got out now, all hell would break loose. The car jerked to a stop once more and Zayn was the first to fly out of the car. I quickly scrambled out after him.

“Zayn!” I called but he didn’t stop. He brushed past all the fans waiting outside our hotel and swiftly made it inside without another word. Its safe to say he’s pissed. I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile for the fans, despite the fact that on the inside I felt like I was going to burst.

“OH MY GOSH HI! YOUR LIKE VANESSA!! WE HEARD YOU ON YOUTUBE YOU'RE AMAZING!” a girl wearing all One Direction merchandise squealed. 

“Aw thanks, glad to hear I have some sort of fan base.” I admitted

“YOU KIDDING!?! WE ALL LOVE YOU!! CAN YOU SIGN SOME AUTOGRAPHS FOR US?!” They all jumped up and started waving their merchandise for me to sign.

“Sure, I have a bit of time.” I said with a warm smile. As I began to sign I heard the rest of the boys walk up behind me.


“HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Louis yelled. The girls started calling their names, hoping to get some bit of attention from them. I actually felt bad sometimes. I wanted to grab each and every one of these fans and let them have a personal sit down with the boys, but I knew management wouldn’t allow it. I sighed and finished up with as many autographs as I could then made my way to the entrance. I waved good-bye to the fans then as calmly as I could walked to the elevators.

“WAIT UP!” I heard a husky voice call from behind. Oh no. I pounded on the elevator buttons.

“Vanessa! Stop!” He was getting closer. 

“Vanessa I know you can here me just wait a minute!!” Then the doors opened. Thank you god. I swiftly stepped inside and pressed my floor number as fast as I could. Just as the doors where about to close a body dived right threw the small gap leaving the door to close quickly behind it. Trapped.

“I...Vanessa you felt it didn’t you.” Harry whispered. I could tell he was flustered but I didn’t bother looking at him, I couldn’t.

“Listen to me!” He pleaded. He grabbing my arm and forced me to look at him. There was something in the way that he was looking at me that I just couldn’t handle. It almost made me angry. I flinched away.

“DONT TOUCH ME!” I snapped on impulse causing him to back up a bit. I closed my eyes and allowed my breathing to become normal once again before I spoke. “Please, just...just leave me alone. You had your chance, and you ruined it.” I said calmly looking right into his eyes. All hope that might have been there was now lost. The elevator let out a loud ding and with that I ran to my room as fast as I could, leaving Harry shocked behind me. As soon as I got to my door I punched in my card and locked it behind me. I sunk down onto the floor and began to cry. Memories that I learned to forget came flooding back. The time we first met. Our secret meeting place. The sound of our voices in perfect harmony. Our first time. That beautiful blonde girl. Him on top of her, not even bothering to stop. Me screaming his name. The look of horror that crossed his face. I couldn’t take it. I let out a scream. Then I felt dizzy. 

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