Chapter 11

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Vanessa’s POV

I had slept through the rest of the day, with the exception of the doctor waking me up a couple times to check up on me. It was currently 6:00 in the morning. Only a few more hours to freedom!! I did a little happy dance in my bed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I whipped my head around and nearly fell out of the bed.

“Holy crap Harry you scarred me!! I didn’t even hear you come in.” I took a deep breath while clutching the area over my heart.

“Yeah well...I need to pee.” He said holding his crotch.


“I’ve been holding it in. I don’t really know what you girls do...” He blushed.

“Are you serious?” He nodded. I rolled my eyes. “Just sit down on the seat and pee! Not a big deal Harry.” 

“Well, will I see anything?” 

“For Christ sakes! Its not like your a virgin you said it yourself you’ve seen it all before. Just go!”

“But...don’t you mind?” 

“Of course I do, but we don’t really have a choice now do we. Now go before you get me a bladder infection.” I waved my hand and he waddled to the bathroom in my room. I hated the fact that he had a free invitation to look at me unclothed whenever he wanted.  Yet there was nothing we could really do about it. We haven’t really discussed were we stand with one another. I still couldn’t bring myself to completely forgive him. Maybe in time, but for now we had other priorities. Come to think of it I haven’t gone either and I still don’t want to. I’m sure it could wait. I heard the toilet flush and he come out with a satisfying sigh.

“Much better.” He grinned.

“Don’t look so smug.” I glared at him

“You know you should go too...wouldn’t want to get ME a bladder infection.” He smirked

“I’ll go when I need to. I have no interest to at the moment.”

“Hmm but you will.” He winked plopping down on the bed.

“Your repulsive.” 

“I try.” He shrugged. “Hey Nessa?” He said after a long pause.

“Mmmm” I murmured.

“Zayn visited me today...” He started.

“What happened? Is he ok? I saw him with flowers!!” I sat up and grabbed his arm wanting to know everything.

“I think it went well if you asked me.” He grinned.

“So what happened?” I asked.

“He gave me flowers, we snuggled, talked, kissed...” He said the last bit under his breath. I froze.

“You actually kissed him?” I whispered and he nodded.

“Worst experience of my life, but I knew you would be upset if I didn’t. He’s very touchy you know.” He smirked.

“Your one to talk Harry.” I chuckled. “Thank you though. Its just until we can figure this all out I promise. I can’t bare to lose him.” I leaned back into the bed to look up at the ceiling. He turned on his side to face me.

“You really like him don’t you.” He looked into my eyes. I smiled then closed them.

“I do.”

“Have you guys done it?” I snapped an eye open.

“Is that all you think about?”

“So thats a yes?” He smirked.

“Its none of your business.”

“I’m going to take that as a yes.” 

“Harry...please don’t talk about it with him...I’m not saying we have but I don’t want you discussing that with him.” I said firmly. He shrugged and muttered a “No promises,” which I returned with a roll to the eyes. He turned on his back to look up at the ceiling as well.

“Something else happened was really strange...” He said.

I tilted my head. “What might that be?” 

“Well...Zayn noticed my eye change color...back to green, like my own. Did any of the other boys say that to you?” He asked

“No...they haven’t. Thats so strange.” He nodded and we both sat there thinking in silence.

“Maybe...whatever happened is wearing off or something...Maybe we’ll change back!!” I said hopefully. Perhaps this is just a temporary thing and maybe we will be back in our bodies soon!

“I don’t know, but what ever it was, it was weird. We’ll have to keep and eye out for that kind of stuff.” He said and I nodded letting my mind wander into different possibilities. We were both quite for a bit.

“Do you love him?” Harry said suddenly.

“Harry I’m not talking about this with you. This isn’t Dr.Phil.”

“Vanessa I need to you love him.” He sat up and looked into my eyes again. This time I could see desperation in them. Then I remembered our kiss.

“I...yes Harry I love him.” His face fell a bit but he recovered with a small smile, although I knew he didn’t mean it. He had his chance. I wasn’t going to get stepped on again.

“If your happy I’m happy, but just know Vanessa I still care for you, and always will.” He tilted my chin so I was facing him.

“Ok so you did what you need to now can you get out? Its getting early.” I asked sweetly.

“Gee, and I thought we were having a moment.” He said sarcastically. 

“Which I ruined now go! Quickly.”

“But I’m quite comfy.” He stretched then rested his hands behind his head laying down beside me. I shoved him off the bed. 

“Hey watch it! Learn to control my giant muscles. They can get out of hand.” He got up off the floor and wiped himself off. I glared at him and pointed to the door.

“Alright I’m goin! I’ll see ya later on today.” He waved then left. I really gotta pee.

When Two Worlds Collide (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ