Chapter 4

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ITS ALREADY 1:00 NESSA!! ARE YOU UP YET!??! I BROUGHT BREAKFAST!!” My lovely irish friends’s voice rang out from the opposite side of my door. I groaned and flopped out of bed with a thud.

“I AM NOW!” I yelled back. There was a long pause.

“.....DID YOU FALL ASLEEP AGAIN?” I rolled my eyes and crawled to the door. I dragged myself up off the floor to unlock the locks. 

“Breakfast has arrived!” Niall said as I opened the door. He quickly walked past me holding a giant tray of food. The smell of eggs, bacon, waffles, sausages, toasts, and pancakes lingered around me for a couple seconds. My stomach let out a loud growl. 

“Hungry I take it?” He said. Niall always brought breakfast in for me, and I loved him for it. 

“Hmmm...just a bit” I said eyeing the bacon. I realized that I hadn’t eaten since the show yesterday, which was weird since I eat almost every second of the day that I’m not sleeping, going to the bathroom, or singing.

“Right well don’t stand there drooling, lets eat! I can’t believe you slept in so late.” He said. I shrugged trying to shake off all the bad memories from yesterday. We both plopped down on my bed with the tray of heaven in between us and began stuffing our faces. Niall didn’t ask to many questions which I liked. He respects privacy.

“Mmmmmm why must bacon be SOOO unhealthy yet SOOO good!?” I complained shaking two fists full of bacon up at the ceiling. Niall tried to speak around a mouth full of waffles but gave up and nodded instead. I giggled. The amount of effort it took for him just to swallow that made me giggle even harder. He flashed me a goofy smile.

“Uhh Niall?”I said.

“Yessss Deaaar?” He sang.

“You didn’t do a very good job of cleaning off that sharpie from yesterday” I grinned. He shrugged and began to work on the eggs.

“Hey! Save some for me!” I grabbed a fork and slapped his away, spearing some eggs and shoving them into my mouth. I let out a satisfying moan. I went for more but my fork was quickly knocked off course. I looked up to see Niall giving me a warning glare. Then the epic battle of forks began. We used them like swords and I got up to chase him around the room. While Niall was running away I took the opportunity to lunge for the eggs since he was distracted. He must have seen it from the corner of his eye because he caught my wrist before I could and slammed me down on the floor, pinning me down with his body. 

“Drop it.” He hissed. 

“Make me.” I stuck out my tongue.

“Fine then. You leave me with no choice.” He raised his left hand and my eyes widened in shock. I closed my eyes bracing myself for impact, but instead was greeted by a tickling sensation at my side. I twitched and tried my best to wiggle out from underneath him, but that only made it worse. I looked up to see him straddling me while he advanced onto my stomach. I let out a squeal and erupted in a fit of laughter.

“NIALL I JUST ATE!!” I yelled but he didn’t let up.

“NIALL STOP! PLEASE! STOP!” I screamed still laughing.

“GIVE ME THE FORK!” he yelled and I gave up in defeat. I let the fork fall out of my grasp and quickly scrambled out from underneath him. I rested my head on the wall nearby and let out my last giggles. This was how it was with me and Niall, pure fun. He never takes life too seriously which is one of the things I admire best about him. I didn’t have to pretend to be someone I wasn’t when I was around him, I could just be myself. We sat there talking about random things for another half hour, until Niall decided he was hungry again. That boy had a black hole for a stomach. I watched as he devoured the last bit of food on the tray.  He must have caught me looking and stopped.

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