Chapter XXXIV: Continue?

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(With help from Craftfury)


*It looks like you got your head handed to you.

*So, How about giving it another shot?

>YES                                                            NO

*Robert decided to give it another go, summoning all the strength and courage he had.



"Robert? Wake up! WAKE UP!!" he heard Lapis Lazuli cry as she shook him awake.

"W-What's wrong?" he asked, finally waking up.

"Oh, thank the stars you're alright!" she exhaled. "You just collapsed again, and it looked like you were having a nightmare."

"I-...I was..." said Robert, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little worried," she said. Robert wrapped his arms around her before attempting to stand.

There was silence for a few minutes. "So...what do you want to do now?" Robert asked.

"What was your nightmare of?" Lapis asked.

"Well, everyone was dead...The Roaming Eye came back...but everyone was dead there, too." Robert explained, holding back tears. "A-And there was this ominous, evil voice, telling me that 'they failed me', and to 'accept my fate'. I-I didn't care w-what that guy had, I d-don't want none of it! So I impaled myself, so I could be with you in heaven." Robert tried his best to hold back tears, but that didn't stop a few from slipping out. 

Lapis hugged Robert tightly, with Robert returning the favor.

Please be safe, Michael. Robert thought as he let go. He and Lapis went back inside the barn. "Wanna watch Camp Pining Hearts with me?" Lapis asked. "Peridot loves this, and I figured you might be interested."

Robert smiled and sat down with her. "Spending time with you as well as passing the time, on top of taking interest in something you enjoy. Sounds great!" he said as he sat next to her.

When the show finally ended, Lapis turned to him. "What do you think?" she asked.

"I would give it a three out of ten." said Robert. Lapis looked a bit disappointed.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Well, with the exception of Damian, the actors look and sound like they don't want to be there. Damian has the opposite problem, though. The show was rather predictable, as I knew how the episode was going to play out at least twelve minutes in advance, and considering every episode averages around thirty minutes, that's just slightly less than half the runtime, and it feels like 'The Survivor', only as a soap opera." Robert explained. "But you obviously see something I don't, and I accept that, just like how Steven enjoys the 'Crying Breakfast Friends', a show that, in my opinion, has absolutely no substance whatsoever. But if you want me to watch more of it with you, I would be more than happy to. I could learn to love it as much as you. It's how I came to liking Minecraft."

Lapis smiled. "I would like that." she said, as they continued.

When the sun began to set, Robert went to the warp pad, leaving Lapis alone before coming back with his sleeping bag, pillow, and clothes. Lapis was confused. "What are you doing?" she asked, "Well, I figured since nobody was at the beach house, and they wouldn't be back for at least a week, I thought I could sleep here with you." Robert responded. Lapis blushed a bit. "But I can sleep at the beach house if you don't want me here."

"No, you can stay; it's fine," said Lapis, smiling.

This is the best day of my life so far, Robert thought as he put his things down in a flat spot in the barn.

That night, Robert dreamt in the same pink room that he normally sees Pink Diamond in. Pink wasn't there, though. Instead, there was a girl who appeared to be older than Michael but younger than Robert. She wore dangling tear-shaped pink earrings, a blue vest, and a white dress that only covered the front and the back of her legs and had the same shade of hair as Robert, but it was tied in a ponytail, with not a strand on her chest.

"Robert? Is that you?" she asked.

"In the flesh," Robert responded. The girl giggled under her breath.

"Are you my sister?" Robert asked.

"I am." she responded.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but Michael and the Crystal Gems are coming. I promise" Robert explained.

"I know. I predicted that would happen." she said.

"By the way...I never got your name, what is it?" Robert asked.

"My name? it's...Arya." she answered. Robert smiled.

"Thank you...Arya" said Robert. "Can I ask you another question?"

"S-Sure!" she said. "But we don't have much time."

"Is my last name really Jones?" Robert asked.

"No. Your last name is Light." she answered. "Jones was the last name of Lardna."

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Robert asked.

"Just stay alive. Please don't endanger yourself. Your life means so much to us, and I don't just mean me, Mom and Dad." Arya explained."I also mean Steven, Michael, Garnet, and even Connie. We all care about you. We want you to get better."

Robert smiled immensely. "I know you can't feel this on the physical plane, but..." Robert started as he hugged Arya. Arya returned the hug.

"Also, if you can, tell Steven I said hello." she said, smiling. "But I have to go."

Robert woke up once again, seeing Lion lying on his back awake next to him. Robert gave Lion belly rubs, to which Lion made pleased sounds that almost sounded like purring. Robert only stopped to get his diary out, afterward, he continued until they both fell asleep.

To be continued....

QUESTION FOR THE CHAPTER: How do you feel about StevArya? Tell us what you think in the comments.

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