Chapter 19

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I wake up, and I find myself cuddled up next to Cato. I immediately squiggle out of my sleeping bag, but Cato's arm is snaked around my waist. 

"Have fun trying to get out," Cato whispers, almost seductively in my ear.

I roll my eyes and just lay there.

Give Cato what he wants, you can get out of this position, and this awkward situation.

"Cato." I purr, sounding like a whole new person. "Yes?" His eyes are sparkling, and he's staring at me. I smash my lips against his and he immediately responds by kissing back, his hands caressing my face. He takes control and handles the kiss. He finally breaks the kiss, his hands off me.

"Thanks for playing." I wink, and I get off my butt. He groans. "Did I seriously just fall for that?" He asks. I chuckle. "Yup, you did."


We look around searching for food. I'm starving to death, and I need water. My body is full of scratches, cuts, rashes and bruises. I'm exhausted. We go up to a spring when I hear a voice. The intercom.

"The Cornucopia has something just for you. District Two, District Five, Eleven, and Twelve. You all need something, and here's how you'll get it. There will be a feast at the Cornucopia, at sundown, with something that you need."

I lock eyes with Cato, and together we form a plan.


"So, lemme get this straight, you want me to wait until Thresh gets his bag, and then go?" He nods. "Why?" "Because Thresh can hurt you. And I don't want you hurt." "I can handle it, Cato." "Seriously Clove." His face is stony, and he looks scared. "Promise you'll come back. To me." I nod, and I head off into the direction to the Cornucopia.


I hide in the bushes, waiting for Thresh to come out. I see something in the Cornucopia moving. I squint, and see a foxy mane glowing in the sun. She grabs the '5' pack, and scrambles off into the woods.

Then I see her. The one that caused pain to my friends, to me. I glare. As if she sees me. I want to carve little lines into her face, punch the air out of her. I can't fight the urge to run out to her. So I go. I run, and she sees me out of the corner of her eye.

I cackle, sounding like a scary, evil, brainwashed tribute.

She launches an arrow at my chest, and I turn, and it punctures my arm. I take out the arrow and shudder. I take a knife out of my jacket. I quickly take in the pain of the arrow, and throw the knife. She ducks. I look again and see that there's a cut on her forehead. It gushes out blood. Her eyes show fear, and she runs. "I never miss." I mutter, and I chase after her.

I follow close behind and tackle her.

She struggles and tries to wiggle out of my grip. She fails and I pin her down.

"Where's your boyfriend, District Twelve? Still hanging on?" I ask, and there's an edge at my voice.

"He's out there, hunting that Cato." She snaps. "Peeta!" She yells.

I slam my fist into her vocal cords, and she gasps, with no words coming out.

"Liar. He's pretty much dead. Cato knows where he cut him. You've probably got him tied up to a tree trying to keep his heart going. What's in this pretty little bag? The medicine for Lover Boy? Too bad he'll never get it." I snarl.

I open my jacket, and select a knife. It's small, but deadly with a cruel curve. "I promise Cato if he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show." I whisper in her ear.

She struggles more, but she gives up.

"Forget it, District Twelve. We're going to kill you. Just like we did with your pathetic little ally. What was her name.... The one that hopped from tree to tree? Rue? Well, first Rue, then Lover Boy. How does that sound?" I ask. "Now, where to start."

I wipe the blood away from Katniss' wound with my sleeve. I study her face, tilting it. She tries to bite my hand but I grab her hair.

"I think.... I'll start with your mouth."

She clamps her mouth together as I tease her, tracing her lips.

"Yes, I don't think you won't have much use for your lips anymore. Want to blow Lover Boy one last kiss?" I ask, and she spits me in the face, with blood. "All right then, let's get started." I snarl.

I let the tip of my blade open her lip, and I'm being pulled off Katniss.

I scream and I'm dangling off the ground, looking at Thresh's face.

Idiot! Why did I go after Katniss?!

He flips me, and I'm flung to the ground with everywhere hurting.

He shouts. "What'd you do to that little girl?! You kill her?" He drops me and I scramble backward. "No, no! It wasn't me!" I manage to say, my voice quivering.

"You said her name. I heard you. Did you kill her?" He rages on. "You cut her up like you were about to cut up this girl here?"

"No! No, I-" I look at his hand, and a rock, sits there. "Cato!" "Cato!" I scream. "Clove!" I hear him. He's too far away. Last few minutes Clove. I shudder and he brings the stone down. I lay on the ground. I moan. Thresh storms off and Katniss scrambles away.

Cato finally comes. "Cato..." I mumble, as I wrap my fingers around his. "Stay with me Clove! Please...." I grab his hand. "Cato, I love you. Forever and always." I squeeze it with all my might, which is not much.

"No, Clove, stay with me! Please!" He shakes my body, and I try to speak. I can't.

I feel a teardrop on my face, Cato's tears.

"I love you." He says, and kisses me softly.

White spots take over my vision, but I manage to mumble three words.

"Win for me Cato."


ಠ_ಠ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This book is done. Well, kinda. I still have the alternate ending, if you guys want it. I'LL ALSO DO TREVOR, KATARINA, MASON POV when Clove dies. Mate even Cato.

Or if you earn it. MWAHAHAHHAHAHHA

I am legitimate crying.


Fatness and Peela.

Goo follow @seeder_ ON INSTAGRAM

If you don't have no instagram, you don't have no life. ಠ_ಠ

I'm so sad. Erdd. Asdfghjkl . I have no life. Blame Instagram and Wattpad.

AHAHAHGAHAHAHHAGAHAHA. I'm a loner for life. -_- kmn

Omg. Clove's Story is practically done. 1 more part and it's complete! Yes! Woooooo!

But on the inside I'm fighting myself. I'm so sad and happy for this story. AHHHHHH.





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Well, bye my wordles.

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