Chapter 15

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I ran off the pedestal, my heart racing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cato was the first to reach the Cornucopia. He grabbed a sword and started killing.

Cannons were going off. I ran to the knives and placed some carefully in my jacket and in my hands.

I started throwing, gasps and screams of pain echoed through my head.


People dying.

At my hands.

Blinking the tears in my eyes, I shrugged off the guilt and killed. More.

Katniss was sneaking around. She grabbed an orange backpack as the same time as someone. District Eight, I think.

I threw my knife.

Missing, I hit District Eight. The body shuddered and fell to the ground. I froze for a second and realized my target was getting away.

Cursing under my breath, I threw again. I missed, once again, and hit Katniss. Not her, but her backpack. She took it out of her backpack and waved it, boasting, and obviously trying to make me mad. She ran off.

A wave of anger washed through me.

I turned and just saw the District Four girl, Penelope, I think her name was, Marvel, Glimmer, and Cato.

"Well, get a move on!" Cato yelled. I immediately started following the group.

Cato was holding his head high. He was acting like those stuck-up, stubborn kids in District Two. The ones with all that pride. That they can do anything.

I was once like that. But losing my mother, that changed me in a second.

I lost her. And my father. Because of a stupid fire. That's one of the reasons why I don't like Katniss. Her nickname. It brings me back to that terrible day.

'The Girl On Fire'. But does she really know what it's like? Losing Everything you have, all because of the restless flame.

"Clove?" Marvel waved his hand in front of my face, to make sure I was still with them. I answered, finally out of my trance.

Cato and Glimmer were laughing at something. Penelope was picking at her nails, and Marvel looked ready to pass out. From what, I don't know. It's hard to tell. If he passed out, it would be from exhaustion, guilt, or something else.

I stared at Glimmer as Penelope was talking about her district partner and how he died, 5 minutes after the countdown finished.


Fake laughing and cracking obnoxious jokes, we were walking, looking for new prey. Well, Cato and Glimmer were.

Marvel, Penelope, Peeta, (notice the disgust in my voice) and I, we were hanging in the back. We weren't looking forward to killing more and more people. I just wanted to go home.

"Over there!" Glimmer points and Cato has a look that scares me. Hunger.

The foolish girl fell asleep, with a fire, pretty much sending up a flare to the whole arena, like she wanted to be killed.

I turned away while Cato stabbed her, and we moved on.

"Did you hear a cannon?" Marvel asked. "No." Peeta replied. "I'll go back." He jogs back to the girl and a cannon goes off.

He comes back. "She's dead." "No duh, Lover Boy." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"B****." I hear Glimmer mutter. "What did you call me?!" I yell at her. "I said, B****."

I didn't know what happened. I ran up to her and punched her in the face. She punches me back, and I kick her in the stomach, and she loses her balance. I punch her one more time, and she's knocked out.

That was the last thing I remember.

"What the hell Clove?" Marvel asked, sounding pretty mad, if you ask me.

I stutter. "I-I... I don't know. It just happened."

"Well, make sure you know what you're doing next time!" He leaves me.

"Ugh!" I scream back at him, lay down and close my eyes.

"He's usually not like that." I open one eye and see a pair of piercing blue eyes staring at me.

"I know, Cato. You don't have to remind me."

At this point, it's all dark. You can't see anything within 10 feet from you.

"I... I miss you Clove." I hear him stutter, and I can tell he's nervous.

"Shut up Cato." The words come out without me thinking about it.

He immediately shuts up. He lies back down, where Glimmer is next to him.

I glare at her sleeping body. I can kill her right now. But I wouldn't. I can't.

During all this thinking, I don't realize Cato get up, and wrap his arms around my stiff body.

"Y'know, you don't have to treat me like I'm an idiot all the time." he whispers, his voice tickling my ear.

He turns my head and kisses me softly.

My heart pounds when I hear a voice.

"What in the world?!"



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