chapter nine

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"Hurry up guys! We're going to be late!" Rowena yelled cheerfully. "But we're half an hour early!" Cato groaned. "Still! Don't want to be late!" I rolled my eyes. We started running to the elevator, where they were all waiting.

Terrible elevator music was on and I found Enobaria, Brutus and Rowena humming it. I wanted to laugh at the fact that they had a similar taste in bad music, but I held it in.

We were finally at the massive training centre. It was massive, way bigger than the one back home. They had areas of training I had never even seen before, and the equipment gleamed, as it had never been used.

District One were already training. Cato ran over to greet them, and I followed soon after.

"I'm Cato and this-" He was cut off by Marvel.
"Clove," He grabbed my hand an kissed it. I blushed. Glimmer rolled her eyes. "I'm Glimmer, he's-" She was cut off by me. "Marvel."

Cato looked furious but I happily skipped over to the knives. Glimmer moved to shoot arrows. I watched her for a bit and she was terrible. It was absolutely hilarious. I don't know why she was getting on my nerves so bad, but it was great to see her fail.

Marvel was throwing javelins and spears and never missed. Cato was wrestling trainers and fighting with swords too.

I started to throw. I saw all the other Districts come in, District Eight being last.

Miss, hit, hit, miss, miss miss. I got angry and turned around. I twisted and threw the knife. In the heart of the dummy. I went to the obstacle course when I heard Cato yelling.

"Did you take my sword?! Did you? " The poor kid was terrified. "N-no, I didn't,"

"Did you take it? It's a question! Are you stupid?" Cato yelled again and Glimmer ran over to the scene.

"Calm down Cato, it'll be alright." She was pushing him out of that area. "You're being killed first! And I'll make sure of it!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Districts Twelve and Eleven giggling. Thresh put a finger to his lips and pointed up with his other hand. Rue, the little girl, was holding Cato's sword.

Marvel went to help the guy and I went over to Cato and Glimmer. "And our couple name will be... Glato!"

Her annoying high pitched squeak of a voice. Her eyes. Her locks of hair.

My face turned purple when they looked at me. Marvel came over and calmed me down. He was good at that.

"Who the hell does she think she is?" I asked angrily.

"S'okay Clove." I looked into in his eyes. They were hurt, and a feeling of compassion ran through me.

"I'm so sorry, are you close with her or something?"

"More like she never paid attention to me until we were chosen. I've had a crush on her since the day she stepped into our first grade class." He shrugged his shoulders. I put my hand on his shoulder. "She'll notice you in the end, I promise."

After throwing a couple more knives, the trainers closed the stations and we were sent back to our floor.

The elevator was quiet. Cato and I were sweaty and didn't want to talk to each other. So I ran to my room, and stayed there the rest of the night.

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